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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I was wondering if that's possible. They WASD keys seem very jerky. I also use a joystick and set the sensitivity down but that's still not very precise. I was wondering if there's a way to use a mouse. I remember I tried to add the mouse in settings but it didn't work. I'd like to try again once I'm home but thought I'd ask here to see if it's even possible and how to do it. Or if there are any other solutions to make sensitive movements in orbit, that would be great as well.
  2. Thanks guys. It was hard to notice the Mission Control building since it's so tiny and kind of obscured from the angle I was viewing the Space Port at.
  3. I just started the other day and I achieved the contract requiring me to hit 2,500km/s. I noticed that I don't have any more contracts. What to do at this point?!
  4. First and foremost, thank you to the developers for creating a demo. I think they understand how much it helps in making a decision on buying a game. The game is fantastic and I'm about to shell out $40 on the full version immediately. I am wondering about whether to buy the game from Steam or the KSP website. Are they ultimately one in the same? Will the website direct me to Steam? If not... I'm hesitant about buying off of Steam because I have a few games on my account. I'm a bit paranoid about keeping so many games in one basket. What is it like buying off of the KSP website? If I need to reformat my drive, is there a hassle with re-downloading the game files? Thanks!
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