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  1. After a long research, our scientists have discovered a new method of delivering kerbonaut to orbit. It\'s a little outside the rules of this challenge, but I made ??the rules, so I can change them. =P After a successful mission of Bill and Jeb, Bob get them back home. But he left with a feeling that his role in the mission was too small. So he began to plan another test, where his role would be more significant. And he started to study physics, especially Kewton\'s third law, which sounds like: 'Don\'t stand under the rocket engine!' Therefore, Bob has developed The Gravitation Research Center. After some researches he decided to make an early report of the mission Bob took the position and waits for a signal from Bill Bill and Jeb cut off the flow of the main engine and turn on test engines. Jump... ...and takeoff! And it is not even a maximum throttle After a couple of tries and some corrections, Bob get to circular orbit With almost full tank of fuel left!
  2. Stogas, Awesome research station! First challenge completed perfectly. I can\'t wait to see the report of the rendezvous.
  3. This task involves two challenges. First: 1. Land the ship (or just a single capsule module) on the surface of Minmus; 2. Get into circular orbit using only EVA jetpack (try to get orbit as much as possible approaches to perfectly circular on maximum altitude, but remember that you have to get back and land safely); 3. Do one lap around the Minmus; 4. Land as close as possible to your ship (alive of course). Second: 1. Get the ship into low orbit around Minmus and free capsule, also land the ship on the surface of Minmus (you can use one from previous challenge); 2. Get from surface into orbit using EVA jetpack and intercept the orbiting ship. Get in the capsule to reload fuel in your jetpack; 3. Land a kerbalnaut as close as possible to your ship on the surface using jetpack. (You can swap the last two paragraphs if you want, then you\'ll need to reload in the surface ship) Here\'s my attempt: Fafnir Fenrir First challenge: Bill always faces challenges with smile on his face Get on suborbital trajectory Getting into the almost circular orbit with apogee 6306m with more than 50% fuel left And now it\'s time to take sun bath This is my favorite shot One lap almost done and now it\'s time to slow down About 200m to target And perfect landing. Ok, maybe not that perfect but he\'s alive and distance to ship is only 15.4m Now you can rest Bill Second challenge: Your turn Jeb Getting into elliptical orbit and it\'s only 7 and half kilometrs to target time to orbital plane corrections correcting apogee and perigee altitudes, now i only have to wait And i missed it ;D Not a big deal, after some burns Jeb is in 1km from the ship Getting closer And now i can refuel and wait for a good position for landing Time to jump off the ship and slow down Perfect landing! I knew this platform wasn\'t just for look. ;D The moment of triumph. Now Bill and Jeb just have to wait for Bob to rescue them.
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