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Everything posted by Kido_SoraKi

  1. This is where you are wrong, our sun emit white light (the reason you see it yellow is because the atmosphere of the earth absorb mostly blue light) but in space the light emitted is white. See by yourself: http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/imagegallery/image_feature_2059.html
  2. Hi everyone, Just wondering why, in KSP, the sun is yellow when you are in space, because in real life, it is white ! The only reason that most people think it is yellow is because of the diffusion of the light through the atmosphere (mostly blue is diffused, by the way, that's why we see a blue sky, so we see mostly red and green sun, red + green = yellow). But in outer space there is no such diffusion of the light and the sun should be white. So I beg you, please do an update in your shader. It would be wonderful ! By the way there is another issue with the sun light shader when in space. The light is occulted by objects but the way the light disappear is very strange: First it is like the light is not obstructed (like the sun light goes through Kerbin for example) and then the sun is going smaller and smaller but always visible and finally it disappear. Here is a picture of this visual glitch: This glitch is easily reproducible by going to the space map and move the camera so Kerbin is in front of the sun. Have a nice day, Bye.
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