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Everything posted by Lokaltog

  1. @djungelorm Awesome, I really hope you'll be able to get WS support up and running. If I knew C# I'd definitely help you out with the WS support, but for now I think I'll have to stick to working on a front-end like KeRD instead. I just checked out the kRPC API docs again and man, there's really a lot of cool features that can be added to KeRD with all the extra info you provide through kRPC (just simple stuff like e.g. scene info makes it possible to make KeRD a lot more polished and user friendly). The kRPC API seems very solid and well designed, I can't wait to start working with it.
  2. Hey guys, I apologize for the lack of updates, I haven't checked the forums for ages. I decided to take the website down a while back due to very little usage and interest around the project, so I didn't see a point in continuing to pay for the domain and website, or to maintain the code as I have had a break from playing KSP myself. Now that KSP 1.1 is right around the corner I want to resurrect the project, but I'm considering migrating the code to kRPC instead of Telemachus, as Telemachus development seems to have ceased as well. The problem with kRPC is that it doesn't support websockets out of the box, so it would need a service to translate messages from kRPC to websockets to be able to use it in the browser. It would then no longer be possible to just drop a plugin into the KSP folder and open kerd.space like with Telemachus, but kRPC seems a bit more stable and feature-rich so it may be worth the extra hassle with setting it up to work with KeRD. Please let me know if anyone is interested in helping out with development, I won't have time to work much on the project for a couple of weeks, and any help would be greatly appreciated. I'll try to check the forums more regularly, I'm also available at kim@silkebaekken.no. The project can still be built and run on a local webserver (a server is currently required because the assets are compiled relative to the server root), but I've started working on a way to run KeRD just by opening the HTML file in the browser. To build the project all you need to do is to install node.js and npm, then run npm install, then gulp production.
  3. Sorry about the delayed responses, it's the holidays so I haven't had time to work on the project the last couple of days. What exactly doesn't work? A debug log from the dev console (F12) would be more useful for me, so if you could printscreen the console and what doesn't work I can look into it. Regarding RemoteTech, I don't think Telemachus currently supports it, but if it supports it in the future I'll definitely add RT integration. Not sure exactly how this could be integrated with KeRD though, as displaying satellite/antenna locations would require replicating the entire KSP system and all vessels, so my guess is that it would be limited to e.g. antenna "strength" (distance to connected satellites) or something like that.
  4. A ground track display like you linked to is implemented, and you can swap out the default orbital display with the ground track with the layout editor. Check the screenshot in the OP for an example. - - - Updated - - - To edit the layout, move the mouse to the bottom of the screen and click the tab that appears, then click the edit button. This will allow you to change the layout. The orbital display having the wrong size is an issue that occurs sometimes because of timing issues with page load times and resize events, I'm working on a fix for this. In the meantime you can just resize your window or hit F11 to go fullscreen (after the page has loaded completely) and it should resolve itself. - - - Updated - - - Yep, I noticed the atmosphere density issue earlier when testing the displays. I'll look into correctly displaying the atmospheric density later. Regarding the IP address, I'm not sure how this could become an issue. Telemachus binds to localhost:8085 by default, and KeRD connects to localhost:8085 by default (localhost is always pointing to your own PC), so you won't receive data from other people on your LAN unless you specify their IP in the settings window.
  5. You can disable the WebGL based modules (3D orbital map and navball) to resolve this issue. This will reduce the CPU usage to a fraction of what it is with these modules enabled. This shouldn't be an issue with modern multi-core CPUs as KSP and KeRD should run on different cores, but if you experience performance issues or for some reason only want to use one CPU core at a time you can remove the WebGL based modules. The rest of the interface uses no more CPU than having e.g. facebook open on a secondary monitor.
  6. Glad you like it! I'm going to add all the Telemachus data points as options to the orbital display once I've created the new settings interface - orbital period will be among the fields that you can add to the display.
  7. Yeah, like I mentioned earlier I'm going to make this a bit more user friendly in the future! It's not particularily intuitive right now, but it's quite difficult making it both super flexible and user friendly. What you'll have to do to stack modules vertically is to click the row/column button (three dots) to swap the orientation for that module group. I've just uploaded a new version with a layout reset button in the settings window.
  8. If you could open the developer tools (F12) and paste the messages you see in the console, that would be great! It should work if you enter the correct IP and use a recent Telemachus version, but keep in mind you need to have an active vessel for it to display any data. - - - Updated - - - I'll look into this later today, I'm going to refactor the whole settings screen and make sure it works better on tablets. I'll let you know once it's done! - - - Updated - - - This is coming with the next update. I'm going to work on the settings system next, and allow all modules to define their own settings, and for the resource view custom resources will be supported for sure. I'd like to support resources from the more popular mods out of the box, but I agree having every resource ever made built-in seems like a lot of effort to maintain. - - - Updated - - - Unfortunately WebGL isn't exactly a mature technology, and it suffers from high CPU usage because of poor optimization in all current browsers. This shouldn't be an issue on a multi-core CPU (KSP can only use one core anyways, and KeRD runs on a different core), and I don't experience any performance degradation from running it on my setup. I have to emphasize that this is a bit of an experimental project, but you could try these troubleshooting steps and see if it helps: Make sure you're running an up-to-date version of Chrome or Firefox Make sure you're running the latest graphics card drivers Reduce the framerate to 15 in the settings window Remove the map view and navball (these use WebGL) and see if that helps Please let me know if this works to improve the issues you're having!
  9. First of all, there's nothing to install, you just visit the website http://kerd.space and you're good to go! You can test it on your computer first if you want. I don't have an android tablet for testing, but here's how you use it on the iPad (it should work pretty similarly on android tablets): 1. Visit kerd.space (in safari on the iPad, with chrome on android) 2. I recommend you add a shortcut to the dashboard, on the iPad this will remove the browser borders when you open it 3. Tap the bottom of the screen, you should see a narrow bar appear 4. Tap again, this will open the menu 5. Click the cog icon to open the settings menu, in the settings menu change the IP to the machine that you're playing KSP on, then save your settings 6. Optionally repeat step 3-4 and click the edit icon to enable the layout editing mode - this will allow you to remove parts of the UI so the interface will fit the screen Please keep in mind that this is alpha software at this point, it's not as user friendly as I'd like, I'm going to spend much more time polishing this interface. I just wanted to get it to a usable state as soon as possible. Let me know if you have any questions and I'd be happy to help you set this up for your tablet - - - Updated - - - Yeah, your code really helped out to get this done quickly. Thanks a lot for your work, I definitely wouldn't be able to do this as quickly without it! I commented out the velocity related code as it's already being provided by telemachus, it's available in the orbital info module.
  10. Allright guys, I just updated kerd.space with all the recent changes! This includes: Tablet support through editable layouts - tap the bottom of the screen twice to open the toolbar, then click the edit button to edit the layout Fully customizable layout New module designs: brushed metal and dark background Support for TAC life support resources Ground track display New navball texture New skybox texture Optional high-resolution textures All celestial bodies in the Kerbol system have been added and can be browsed on the orbital display These changes and a ton of fixes and tweaks are now available on http://kerd.space/, enjoy! Edit: Here's a screenshot showcasing some of the new features:
  11. The main issue turned out to be errors caused by the D3 element dimensions. Here's the current version I'm working on, which is pretty accurate. I'm not sure why it still appears ever so slightly offset, but except for that it works fine now! A huge thanks to everyone who helped out with this feature! Hope you guys like it!
  12. Good news, everyone! I'm almost there thanks to Gaiiden's JS code, I'm just trying to resolve an issue where the ground track for some reason is offset. I'm not sure why, it might be a texture offset issue or something like that, as the ground orbit appears to be correct otherwise. Any ideas? Edit: fixed, see below
  13. Nope, skinning the interface is part of the plan and it won't cause any performance issues. Are you thinking something like this for the aluminium texture? http://imgur.com/oTO2NjL
  14. A fully customizable interface that works on any device is almost ready. It's not available at kerd.space yet, as I have to do some tweaks for mobile devices first. The goal is to make this app work with multiple devices and screens, so you'd be able to have e.g. the orbital display on your tablet, and maybe a full-screen ground track on a secondary monitor, etc. Kind of making it possible to setup your own command center! - - - Updated - - - The app is currently running client-side only. This means that nothing is stored on the server, kerd.space only serves you static HTML pages. The reason this works is that the app interacts directly with the websocket interface provided by Telemachus, and it uses the browser's local storage capabilities to store your settings, so no online services are required to run the app. It runs in Chrome and Firefox (maybe IE, I have no idea) on any OS. It will soon be available for tablets and mobile devices too. - - - Updated - - - Awesome, this is exactly what I've been looking for! I've checked out the source for multiple KSP plugins, but they all seem to depend on helper functions provided by KSP, so this really helps out a lot! I'll post an update on how the ground track is coming along later today. - - - Updated - - - I love this idea, I'll definitely look at setting up a telemetry relay later on! Watching telemetry from streamers in realtime on your own PC (with your own customizable setup) sounds amazing.
  15. 1. A docking port alignment indicator may be included soon. Telemachus includes a couple of properties that seem related (dock.x, dock.y) but I haven't had time to look at how these work yet. 2. Live pictures from the game should in theory be possible, but it probably requires quite a bit of work, and you'd probably never get a live 15-30+ fps stream displayed in the browser (at least without a significant performance hit). If Telemachus or another KSP plugin could capture images, encode them and send them e.g. as binary packets over websocket it's not a problem at all to display them in the kerd UI, but I'd guess that this would be limited to maybe 1-2fps at most. It's a very interesting idea and it would be very cool if it was possible to implement it! But someone other than me would have to do this in KSP, as I currently don't know C# or the internals of the Unity engine 3. I've briefly looked at how I can render track lines, and once I've completed the UI overhaul I'm going to start working on it. I was able to get the orbital display working, so I'm sure I'll be able to get the ground lines working eventually. Thanks a lot for the scansat link, I'd forgotten that it includes this feature! Looking at existing source code definitely makes it a lot easier.
  16. If I understand your question correctly, the reason I chose to make this an online app is mostly convenience. You as a user can be sure that the latest stable version will be available at kerd.space, so unlike offline mods you won't have to periodically check for updates, download the updates, unpack, etc.. That being said, it's still possible to build an offline version if you'd prefer that! Just clone the repo and run "gulp production" to build the app. Future tagged releases will also include an offline zip file for download, where you'll be able to open a HTML file in your browser and use the plugin offline if you want.
  17. Thought I'd give you a heads up on what's being added with the next update (hopefully released today or tomorrow): Support for TAC Life Support resources (see screenshot below) Fully customizable layout New navball High-res textures Updated skybox All celestial bodies in the Kerbol system have been added and can be browsed on the orbital display
  18. Just uploaded a new navball texture (not live yet), what do you guys think?
  19. I just made some navball textures for KeRD, I figured I'd post them here as well in case you guys like them. They're inspired by the high contrast and Apollo designs. The navball may look a bit dark in KSP, let me know if that's the case and I'll upload some with higher contrast. Screenshot from KeRD: Texture and bump map (not sure if KSP supports the bump map, but if it does it gives a pretty nice bevel effect on the "ink" parts):
  20. Thanks! I've looked at some options and other plugins for telemachus, and I'm going to start implementing a flexbox based modular layout soon. I'm thinking that it will work by allowing users to split sections of the interface horizontally or vertically (kind of how the current layout is defined), and resizing them (translating the proportions to the CSS flex-grow or flex-basis property). This should be simple to store in a JSON structure, and it's a modern and flexible way of defining a grid based layout. I think I'll also end up splitting the components into displays, gauges, etc. and allow the user to link them to specific data providers, while also allowing "static" plugins like the map display, which wouldn't work well with a dynamic data source. This is just initial thoughts, let me know if you guys have any suggestions! The setup is something I've used for a lot of projects lately, it's basically a single-page app built on Vue.js (a simpler, faster alternative to frameworks like Angular), it works well with an API backend, as well as for a static page like this where the websocket connection is the data provider. It's compiling Jade templates and SASS stylesheets into a component based system using Webpack. It's a lot to explain, but look up webpack, it's handling the assembly of the components into a single-page app. The app itself basically works by telling Vue that variables from the websocket have changed, and Vue automatically updates the corresponding DOM elements with the updated data. Some plugins have watchers on specific variables and update their presentation whenever these variables are changed. I'll write docs on the project wiki later once the base app is done, it's kind of pointless documenting it when it's changing so rapidly. If you have any questions on the project layout let me know and I'd be happy to help you out!
  21. Thanks for the comments! 1. I've done some tweaks to improve the design flexibility (automatically shrinking some modules to fit smaller screens, using the viewport width and height to scale the elements), the thing is that I haven't really decided how I want the modular design to work yet. I'm kind of leaning towards modularizing the design completely, splitting it into data providers and visualizers like gauges and displays, and allowing the user to customize it to their preferences - maybe with the ability to share layouts as e.g. JSON documents. I haven't done this yet as it requires a bit of work, I've kind of just whipped this thing up over a couple of days, but it's definitely on the long term todo list to improve this. 2. I'd like to include the ability to display any resource, but the API docs for Telemachus only referenced the vanilla resources so that's what I started with. If it's possible to display any resource like Rich mentioned above this will be implemented for sure!
  22. Awesome! Would that work out of the box with the current version of Telemachus or would it require changes to the plugin code?
  23. Not at all, go ahead! I received a comment regarding displaying data from other mods earlier, do you know if it's possible to publish resource information from e.g TAC Life Support in Telemachus?
  24. I'm not sure, both appear to work fine. I'm guessing it's just an aesthetic choice, or maybe they're at different positions in the tech tree.
  25. Yep, someone suggested a classic map with ground track lines on Reddit, I'm definitely going to see if I'll be able to implement this (maybe as a toggle button on the map view). It kinda depends if I'm able to wrap my head around the math involved!
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