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    Curious George
  1. Sorry i didnt respond I uninstalled and reinstalled KSP deleted my save data and re started the game. I am not sure what the bug was ? maybe it was something in my old game data it seems to be working now .. Sorry to be a problem . some one else had a problem with the old tool bar ? so IDK https://www.dropbox.com/s/4lnatxcrm7f1yzi/output_log.txt?dl=0
  2. Are there any other requirements for this mod other than module manager ? I was trying this on a fresh install with only module manager v2.7.7 tweak scale v2.3.4 and and kerbal joint reinforcement v3.3.1 I am running the newest version of ksp just downloaded to day off steam and tca v 3.3.4 this is my first time using this mod and i seem to be missing something? i cant figure how to enable TCA ? the TCA manual says "TCA should be functional on all vessels " but all the comand pods and probe cores say "TCA Unavailable" I have been playing kerbal for about a year now and i still feel dumb some times the mod looks great bythe way I watched all the videos and read the manual.
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