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Everything posted by Cireon

  1. Since yesterday my save file seems to be corrupt in some way. When activating the launch clamps through the staging process, the clamps don't detach despite showing the particles. The engines start running though. I also can't use the right-click context menu to detach. The same issue applies to any type of decoupler. I also seem to have a problem with my ScanSAT contracts, since their percentages are not showing up. My v1.0.2 backup save game still works though. This is the error that appears in Player.log when I activate the launch clamps in the staging process: http://pastebin.com/SkZPgM07 I have put a full version of the log and the save files (both the corrupt one and the backup one) in a zip file on Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/eejvfda1b0zdp2w/ksp-info.zip?dl=0 A "highlight" in the save file is the line "update = -1000" in the corrupt save file in the ContractSystem SCENARIO (I tried replacing the value with the value from my backup file, but it reverted back to -1000 immediately on load). For completeness sake, here's the full list of mods currently installed:
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