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Everything posted by PsychSpec

  1. Actually, I find that while user reviews are bad because they tend to be binary (either 0 or 10 pretty much), professional critics' reviews average out to be something I can somewhat trust. Obviously, scores are a simplification and aren't the only thing I personally look at, but they aren't a bad indicator of a game's quality. In regards to KSP, a 8.8 average seems right on the money.
  2. It seems like he wanted to create a fort. Fort Bartford!
  3. I think that Squad themselves crowdfunding to update the game seems more than a little weird. However, and I know this is controversial, modders crowdfunding could be ok, like with a Patreon account. We see this already with games like Cities Skylines, where modders receive donations for their funds. It could give modders the incentive and ability to create higher quality mods and deal with more of the bugs that you are talking about. There are plenty of issues with this model, and I'm certainly not an expert on it, but that's the only way I see crowdfunding and KSP ever being linked together.
  4. Damn it Bob. We need to have a talk after the next meeting. I can confirm that the coolest people I have ever met, both guys and girls, are into math and science. Embrace it and you'll eventually be surrounded with people like yourself.
  5. It's really funny that you mentioned this. I do work with games and learning, and that's one of the reasons that I initially got attracted to KSP. It has the potential to be educationally relevant. More importantly, to hear the enthusiasm everyone has for math and science, and that KSP is an outlet for that enthusiasm, makes me really happy. That said, I am NOT collecting any data here (though I can see why you think I would be). I have friends and colleagues who do use similar methodologies, but I don't do it personally. It just doesn't suit my research questions typically. However, if people in this community would be curious to hear some statistics, I would happy to run the numbers. Anyways, I'm glad to know that despite the diversity of the community here, I am in good company (and that I'm only a little bit of a weirdo).
  6. Hey everyone, I'm pretty new to the game--I've only played a few hours so far--and just signed up for the community here. What I immediately noticed was how challenging KSP is. Part of this is the game not having the best tutorials (I'm grateful for all of the video tutorials out there), but part of it is the nature of the game. I got wondering what type of person finds this game compelling and interesting. I certainly do, despite being terrible at it. I'm currently working on my PhD in Educational Psychology, and I wonder if my interest in (social) science is one of the reasons I like it so much. So why do others find the game interesting? Do you think it has anything to do with the path of study/career you chose? Or is there some other reason you are spending time with KSP rather than some other game?
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