When I told the engineering team that I wanted a plane with "vertical takeoff and landing" capability, I really should have been more specific.
Still, this will save a fortune on runway maintenance.
Mad my first ever bona fide spaceplane. Only made it up to 72km before falling back down to Earth, but my lawyers tell me that legally I can call that a spaceplane.
First ever functional spacelab on the weekend. I was sorta reluctant to tackle it, but it was much easier than I expected, and it's cranking out gobs of science.
X-COM was one of my all-time favorites back in the day. I've tried playing a few fan remake projects, but there's always been a lack of followthrough. I'll give this one a try, it sounds promising.
I just assumed my satellite's orbit didn't match the target orbit closely enough so I spent I don't know how long trying to fine-tune it before realizing it was backwards.
Don't deploy them too early. I find that you have to be flying slower than 250 m/s or the chutes will fail. Just let yourself aerobrake for a while until you're below 250.