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  1. Well I think I'll have to quit using this mod since no one managed or tried to help me find out what's going on, any suggestions on other science modules?
  2. Hello guys? someone that could help me? I really miss playing kerbal...
  3. Hello guys, I'm just another Kerbal and Science Station mod enthusiast! I've been using this mod since the earlier versions, but didn't reached it's full potential, lost my save sometimes and etc... The thing is, now I updated to Station Science 1.5, I think I'm doing everything fine, I have a station in orbit around 75km ~ 85 km with Creature comforts, zoology bay, plant growth, pragrade kuarqs , thnkr science lab and mobile process lab, all crewed properly and generating the correct resources. I'm just unable to finalize it. Every experiment, I just had the deploy button and nothing happens when I try it. I got the same error as everyone gets, on debug, like "[Error]: [R&D]: No Experiment definition found with id plantGrowth" but for all modules, that should have the finalize experiment button instead of the deploy. I don't use the Crowd Science Source mod, and I tried everything that I saw in this thread related to this problem, removed the scienceDef.cfg file from squad/resources, let the steam download it again, I use only a few mods becouse in my other career runs, I used so many and was a pain to keep all of then updated and working together very well...so I decided to keep using mods at minimum this time and this one was one of my preferred...but now I got this , any help is appreciated! I use the following mods : HotRockets_1.0.2_CorePack_Nazari KSP-AVC- SCANsat-v12.0 StageRecovery-1.5.6 StationScience-1.5
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