Hey guys thanks for the input. I watched the sketchup to KSP tutorial on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71CIu-Pkn3k Looks very complicated I'll give it the best college try hahah. I will look around at Wings3D and just see if I can learn blender. If I find a good process I'll make a vid. My channel is fritzbuild3r, and have a few KSP vids. My goal is to find a workable pipeline to part creation because I want to do more than just a 1 off part. My idea is to build on for more station parts like Nertea's http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/91814 , and station science. I really get into building stations in space (and colonies). I want to create station parts that are modular and have docking ports built-in. I find once you get multiple station pieces in orbit all those part joins make things very unstable. So the idea is to have pre-built sections you launch and then connect in orbit, and can rearrange and change later on the fly. Also, my goal is to make parts that have a minimum amount of surfaces to not bog down the game for big stations. So much of the detail may be textures etc.