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Everything posted by alienspacepirate

  1. Looks ok like I answered my own question. After downloading several unity versions I found the part tools package I downloaded from this link was corrupt. I ended up with unity 4.3.2 and part tools .23 tat I downloaded from the curse link. Just FYI for anyone interested in knowing what unity versions work with part tools.
  2. I am having problems getting Unity to work with Parttools .23. I first tried downloading the latest Unity, but that gave me an error when trying to attach the KSP script to the game object. After looking at this forum I saw the advice was to download 4.2.2 Unity. However, now when I run Unity and I setup a part I do not see the 'write' button when I attach the KSP script to the game object. I downloaded the tools from this link: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65356-0-23-PartTools?p=2018633&viewfull=1#post2018633 here is a link to the screenshot... https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3eEt53vmN9kSUVEOENnSE85cTA/view?usp=sharing
  3. Hey guys thanks for the input. I watched the sketchup to KSP tutorial on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71CIu-Pkn3k Looks very complicated I'll give it the best college try hahah. I will look around at Wings3D and just see if I can learn blender. If I find a good process I'll make a vid. My channel is fritzbuild3r, and have a few KSP vids. My goal is to find a workable pipeline to part creation because I want to do more than just a 1 off part. My idea is to build on for more station parts like Nertea's http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/91814 , and station science. I really get into building stations in space (and colonies). I want to create station parts that are modular and have docking ports built-in. I find once you get multiple station pieces in orbit all those part joins make things very unstable. So the idea is to have pre-built sections you launch and then connect in orbit, and can rearrange and change later on the fly. Also, my goal is to make parts that have a minimum amount of surfaces to not bog down the game for big stations. So much of the detail may be textures etc.
  4. It would be nice if there was a general tutorial thread for starting out... I have looked through many forum posts and have seen different things. Most of the good tutorials are pretty old (2013). I also have sketchup experience and would like to start there if possible.
  5. I'm interested in getting into KSP part modding. Made a few things before in sketchup, but not uber experienced. Seen in some threads that sketchup isnt the thing to really use for KSP for conversion issues. I've found multiple KSP modding threads, but they are pretty old (2013-2014). Can someone sticky a general "where to get started" forum post that has the general steps required, and is updated so its not for KSP circa 2013?? thanks
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