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Provisional Name 41

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Everything posted by Provisional Name 41

  1. 529: Using the improved "Hammer" SRBs and LOX/LH2 rockets, The Kerman II is launched and sends JebTV satellite up to Geostationary Orbit 530: The KSP is founded. 531: Jebediah Kerman, Bob Kerman, Bill Kerman and Valentina Kerman become the first kerbonauts. 532: KSP sends Jebediah Kerman on suborbital trajectory and back safely 533: KSP attempts to send probe to the Mun to determine whether it's made of cheese or rock.
  2. I send 20 impactor probes into the hill at Mach 20. My hill not defended by KK gatling gun.
  3. Granted, But everyone thinks your obnoxious, You lose your job and your friends. I wish I could build a Driller probe to Europa so I can see those damn Europan squids.
  4. 503: Jebediah Kerman Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co. is founded by Jebediah Kerman II being the first private space company. 504: Satellite TV is first conceived by Wernher Von Kerman's ancestor. 505: Kerman "The Rocket" I is first launched and carries JebTV satellite to Geostationary orbit, JebTV has an astonishing 6 channels and will stop signaling after 1 drop of water is dropped.
  5. 353: Probe is destroyed by Kerbal police. 354: E-Class Asteroid hits Antartic railroad, Railroad reconstruction put on hold until 374. 355: Massive protest begins to call for legalization of SRBs. 356: Pro-SRB protests turn violent after SRBs are shot into railroads everywhere. 357: Rocket revolution begins. - - - Updated - - - (Moderators don't approve that last post, I was on the wrong page) 503: Jebediah Kerman Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co. is founded by Jebediah Kerman The II, Being the first private space company. 504: Kerman I Rocket is launched by Jebediah Kerman II and carries TV satellite to Geostationary Kerbin orbit. 504.1: Satellite TV is invented, with JebTV broadcasting an astonishing 6 channels.
  6. "NOT ENOUGH DATA STORAGE TO RESEARCH THIS" During your big Munar expedition that cost you half your entire funds bank. I hate it so much.
  7. 336: The First Solid Rocket is invented by Jack Kerman. 337: First attempt at launching the Solid Rocket ends "Partially successful" when It goes up 7000m in the air and then blows up an apartment complex, Jack Kerman soon goes to prison.
  8. Granted, But your new task is to procrastinate. I wish I was on Kepler-186f
  9. (OP can you please write a rule such as "No crazy events happening before 7000 i.e celestial bodies being destroyed"?)
  10. 206: Kalileo Kerman is stargazing Jool when he notices 4 blue, cyan, grey, brown and green specks, He confirms they are moons and names them "Laythe" "Vall" "Tylo" "Bop" and "Pol"
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