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Everything posted by Xyster

  1. Works like a charm! Thanks! I had tried to use this mod quite a while back and it didn't work for me correctly. Now that I could get it working, I wanted to see if it could benefit me from my usual routine. I wasn't trying to switch really, but just trying to experiment with both for a bit. However, it seems I may just keep using RMM. Going to play with it for a bit longer. Very useful mods, though.
  2. Is there a way to get this to work with all of Real Fuels or at least LqdOxygen, Kerosene, LqdHydrogen, LqdAmmonia, LqdMethane, and Hydrazine? I've got modular fuel tanks installed too. Trying to use this instead of routine mission manager to manage resources at my space stations. Is there a way to add this myself with a config file? This would be great while also providing a bit of a challenge to get it into use.
  3. Just updated on CKAN. Loaded game. All ships using parts from this mod did not load. SPH and VAB missing all parts from this mod. Checked what and how CKAN installed the mod and found that inside the Mk2Expansion folder was a Gamedata and Save folder. Files were not put where they were supposed to. If this was already mentioned, sorry.
  4. Yup. New install to other KSP folder and it's working fine. Added two small mods recently that changed only little things. Might be one of them. Jumped to the conclusion of it being a bug in the mod since it only happened with that one booster. Woops! Thanks
  5. It's the SpaceY S109 Heavy Lift SRB. Thanks for the help!
  6. I've tested all of the other ones that I have unlocked and they all work fine except for that one in particular. I don't really know where I should start looking to figure it out if nothing changed in the mod then. It's just strange. BTW, amazing mod. Been using it for as long as I can remember.
  7. I'm not sure if it's just me, but after I have updated I am not able to limit the thrust on the "D" SRB. So far, all the others have been fine with doing this. It was my go-to for my bigger designs.
  8. Did you check to see if it is a an overheating issue? Debug menu tick the Ignore Max Temp option and see what happens with the same craft. I've had that problem with that specific part AND other parts in the same fashion where they blow up and sever a ship or destroy the whole thing. See this thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/126664-MAJOR-Heating-Bug
  9. Having this same issue. Causing quite a bit of grief. I'm glad others have mentioned methods they have used to try and work around these issues. I've tried just about everything short of re-writing the game. I linked a thread from steam with quite a few people having this issue to this thread. Hopefully we can find a temporary solution to this bug that is making me want to put this game back in the closet. http://steamcommunity.com/app/220200/discussions/0/598199244893181717/?tscn=1439603100
  10. How is this installed? Do I drop this into the CommunityTechTree/Tree folder? Thanks Edit: Figured it out by looking @ the manual for CTT.
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