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  1. I guess I'll have to ask again.... How do you run RO without real plume and with stock engine effects? Thx...
  2. About that smoke screen/real plume stutter I tried different max particles settings, bigger number -> smaller interval and longer pauses, smaller number -> longer interval & shorter pauses, but still noticeable enough to ruin gameplay. If I try smaller and smaller numbers, the plume disappears before the stutter does. I tried smokescreen 2.6.4 which came from CKAN and 2.6.6 which should be the latest one. I tried removing some mods, but no success. Is there a way to have RO without real plume? I removed smoke screen and real plume folder from gamedata and real plume configs from gamedata/realism overhoul, but all i got was engines without effects and smooth gameplay (=> main reason why i think it's SS/RP related). When the game pauses, there's also gap in the flame, it's much more distinct in game, when the animation is running. Thx for any help.
  3. I have the same problem with real plume, every second games pauses for like a quater to half of a second -> unplayable by my standarts 3.2gb ram usage, i5 4690@4.5, nV 970, fps is good and mission time is green (except when its pausing, then it's yellow) i tried physics delta at 0.12sec, but it was no good how do you open smoke screen tool ingame?
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