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Everything posted by worsin

  1. I have problems with this mod. Ive tried everything i can think of to get it to work right but all that happens is Kerbin turns white after a few min of playing. See the screenshot below http://tinyurl.com/hkdaccv I have ruled out the following as potential causes based on various posts I've read. Trajectories PlanetShine Scatterer Nvidia SLI Ive also tried manually installing but everything i do results in white kerbin. Also its probably important to note that when i first load the game it works fine, only after i have switched active ships a few times or switched map views does this happen. Here is a link to the mods I have installed right now. http://pastebin.com/cc5bYXsc
  2. That's unfortunate. As a professional Internet Marketer and Developer i can say with 100% certainty that their lack of updates on steam have cost them more money. Much more than it would cost to have someone post them for sure, which only means that its being either mismanaged or they just don't care. Neither of which are a good sign imo.
  3. First off let me just say i love KSP, its one of my favorite games. Ill probably be ripped a new one by all the hardcore KSP fans for asking this. That being said, would it be too much to ask for us to see the latest updates and news for KSP on the Steam Page? Many of us scan through our games on Steam to check these things and it just makes it so much easier to keep track of the development of our favorite games when the info is all in 1 area rather then having to troll 20 sites to stay updated. Its always been annoying to me that i have to Google KSP Changelog to find this info, and lets be honest, it doesn't take but a few minutes to update your Steam Page which in turn saves your fan base time and aggravation. Who knows, it might even bring in more business! Anyone that's following KSP on Steam will get Notifications when you do these updates, this is a crucial marketing step that your missing out on imo. Also, if you go to the KSP steam page, anyone new to KSP that sees it gets the impression that its not actively developed. It just feels like the game is dead when there has not been an update made since last year and under Product updates it was 2013!!!
  4. Yeah this mod makes science 1000x more interesting. You dont realize how much its needed till its gone lol.
  5. Yeah the main reason this mod doesn't work with 1.1 is the UI changes that were made to KSP. Any mod that uses the Parts UI is going to be broken till its updated so with this mod the TweakScale Slider doesn't show.
  6. I'm literally going through withdrawals right now because i decided to try out 1.1 and now cannot use KIS/KAS lol Really looking forward to this and RemoteTech to be 1.1 compatible
  7. Anyone have some good tutorial videos for this mod?
  8. First off i love the idea of this mod. It offers a ton of flexibility. However, im finding it to be a little buggy. 1. Detaching an Octocore from another one results in some of the containers from the other octocore to be pulled with it. This isnt a huge deal but its sort of annoying 2. Detaching a container from an octocore sometimes results in you not being able to reattach it. You end up having to create the entire thing from scratch in order to reattach the container you want.
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