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  1. Example: Spacespear-MkIX-"Blue_arrow"EIS-RLLi-OIS Nameofgroup-modelnumber-"Name of version"-whatitismentfor-whatitis-whatitcando What it says at the end signifys what it is meant for, what it is and what it can do (in that order) a letter represents the first letter of a word in order so it makes a sentence. for example; "EIS" would mean "Exploring Interplanetary Space" the world can alter tho for example; "E" could mean, Exploratory, Exploring or Explore different letters represent different things tho a letter can represent mutable things like "Lander" and "Lifter" which is why you try to order them so they make somewhat of a sentence as you wouldn't say it twice. Tho that's not enough information, you could get confused which is which and that's why you add the more letters in that word until it becomes different from another one but lowercase to signify its part of what its behind. Heres a list of what the different letters mean E: explore I: interplanetary S: space R: rocket L: lander Li: lifter O: orbit So that's it! tho, the list will expand of course as this is still a work in progress. i based it off a bunch of different naming schemes. i hope this helped you make your own or be entertained or something...oh and i don't know if this is in the correct spot i only really made this so i can remember it. bye!
  2. Example: Spacespear-MkIX-"Blue_arrow"EIS-RLLi-OIS Nameofgroup-modelnumber-"Name_of_version"-whatitismentfor-whatitis-whatitcando What it says at the end signifys what it is meant for, what it is and what it can do (in that order) a letter represents the first letter of a word in order so it makes a sentence. for example; "EIS" would mean "Exploring Interplanetary Space" the world can alter tho for example; "E" could mean, Exploratory, Exploring or Explore different letters represent different things tho a letter can represent mutable things like "Lander" and "Lifter" which is why you try to order them so they make somewhat of a sentence as you wouldn't say it twice. Tho that's not enough information, you could get confused which is which and that's why you add the more letters in that word until it becomes different from another one but lowercase to signify its part of what its behind. Heres a list of what the different letters mean E: explore I: interplanetary S: space R: rocket L: lander Li: lifter O: orbit So that's it! tho, the list will expand and the post will change of course as this is still a work in progress. i based it off a bunch of different naming schemes. i hope this helped you make your own or be entertained or something...oh and i don't know if this is in the correct spot i only really made this so i can remember it as im not using it yet. bye!
  3. do not enter roblox for your own sanity's sake. tho some of the games are fine....some.
  4. My main source of income is tourest trips to suborbital space and back but because of my high rep i don't have those types of contracts anymore. i tryed lowering my reputation but the hard contracts are still staying and because of this i cant get income anymore so.....help?
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