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    Curious George
  1. Been testing out the Mk82 Bombs (norm and Snake eye) and have been noticing they don't always detonate when they impact the planet surface. It seems to be about 50/50 and I'm unsure why. I've changed their detonation range from 0 to 7 metres, but results have not improved.
  2. I used a pusher to bring an E-Class (approx 1550t) into an aerobraking maneuver, and it will start to overheat at 63000m (asteroid and craft were traveling approx 3200m/s), and will explode under 45000m leaving the attached craft to continue onwards without exploding. I have screen shots of a decent into Upper Kerbin atmosphere without dipping below 50000m but shows the temperature gauges rising and nearly maxing out.
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