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Everything posted by Jablea3000

  1. Sent something to another planet for the first time. Picked up a contract for a Duna fly by, couldn't be bothered to dig up a dV map so I just 'eyeballed' it. Plan was to have a 2 stage lifter to put a probe in a 250x250 parking orbit, then four the probe to do the transfer burn and fingers crossed have enough in the tank to capture at Duna. Over built the lifter, which ended up as an SSTO at a 150x150 parking orbit, 2nd stage took care of the transfer burn and mid course corrections and left me with a probe due to fly by Duna with 4500 ish dV left. Was able to capture at Duna, orbit Ike (completing the first part of my explore Ike contract) and leave it in a 65x65 Duna orbit, with 2500dV left in the tank. Not sure what to do with it now, leave it at Duna or see if I can get it somewhere else??
  2. Kerlington Engineering is disappointed to announce the failure of our most recent satellite launch. The GeoEye II was launched to conduct detailed surface scans of the Mun. Approximately 42 minutes into the operation, mission control reported critically low power aboard the satellite. Shortly after communication was lost with GeoEye II. Investigations are still ongoing as to the cause of the power loss, initial imaging from ground based telescopes appear to show the full deployment of the solar panels. GeoEye II on the launch pad on top of the Pheonix Rocket. First stage separation Fairing ejection Satellite after transfer burn, solar panels are deployed and in full exposure, just not generating any power??? Following this failure, the satellites Minmus counterpart, GeoEye III, has been delayed while Chief Engineer looks over the specs.
  3. I'm enjoying this one, I assume there is a comprehensive white flag surrender ceremony being planned for General Construction.
  4. Cheers, DOOFUS will be featuring heavily, they are the moustache twirling bad guys trying to shut down the space program at every turn.
  5. I've been adding a bit of rp flavour to my career mode, and after reading some of the fantastic posts in this forum decided to start my own. Not wanting to restart my save though, I'm going to begin from here... After the devastating loss of Commander Jebidiah 'Jeb' Kerman, an inquest led by the Divisional Office Of Funding and Unbiased Safety (DOOFUS) has decreed that all future mission plans and reports be made available for public scrutiny. Mods in use:- Kerbal Engineer Kerbal Alarm Clock RCS Build Aid Distant Object Enhancement DMagicOrbitalScience KAS KIS Procedural Fairings TAC Life Support SCANsat Contract Configurator (Scansat, tourism, space station and base packs & advanced progression) USI Kolonosation Infernal Robotics Will add some pics and mission details when I get home from work Missions in progress The Kerbal Space Station GeoSat I - A multispectral scan of Kerbin (Soon to be decommissioned) Future Missions. Divisional Office Of Funding and Unbiased Safety inspection of The KSS. 5 inspectors from DOOFUS want to conduct a thorough inspection of the orbital lab facilities on board The KSS. (A Tourism contract to send 5 tourists for 4 hours) Kerlington Engineering Extra Planetary The PR department wants to build on the excitement generated by the latest episode of the Sci Fi program 'Hoomans' in which the plucky aliens of planet Earth sent an unmanned probe to the furthest used-to-be-a-planet, Pluto. By sending the first Kerbin made object on a flyby of a distant planet. The egg heads from the orbital tracking station have determined that our earliest opportunity for a transfer will be in approx 53 days, and the planet chosen... Moho.
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