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Everything posted by dimitriy

  1. I agree. But the lack of explosions during flight because of it deprives KSP from quite a big amount of FUN. Anyway - thanks for your answers.
  2. I don't know is this a bug, but parts overheating and explosion from the engine exhaust is no longer occurs or it is very hard to achieve.
  3. Well, here is my results. I was trying to overheat lots of parts with different engines and their amount. But I failed. I'm a little bit disappointed.
  4. It has notes about damage, but I meant total destruction of the part (fuel tank in this example).
  5. Hello everyone. I've found one strange bug in 1.0.4. There is no engine exhaust damage. In 1.0.2 version something like that could destroy fuel tank in less than a second. In 1.0.4 everything i did cause no result. Is this only my problem?
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