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Everything posted by TrivialTurtle

  1. I am in Career mode and I have had this glitch for a while now, I originally thought it was just a contract but I have tried cancelling all of them and it still won't go away. Basically, there is a little apoapsis logo, it's bright yellow and it looks the same as when you have a target orbit for a contract, however it is just a point with an apoapsis logo on it, no orbit nothing. When I got to the tracking station it starts at the Launchpad and just slowly drifts away from the planet. When I am piloting any craft, when I switch to the map screen the point is always on my current ship. I know that this is pretty shoddy writing but it's late and I just want this fixed. If you have any suggestions please just fire away! I have screenshots but imgur is down atm.
  2. Ok so, I haven't done what you quoted from the sticky but I went back onto KSP and went to the career and clicked on the VAB and tech tree etc and updated my player.log hopefully this helps?
  3. I cannot find "player.log" the closest thing I can find is "KSP.log". (I have no idea what I'm doing lol)
  4. I was messing around with the E.V.E mods and failed miserably at installing them. I decided to perform a fresh install, after I finished I realised that the categories in my VAB and the aircraft one (don't remember it's name) had just gone and left me with an empty bar (image). I also noticed that my tech tree had gone too. I have done 3 fresh installs, computer resets and I also tried validating the cache through steam which I had no clue how to do. If anyone can help me with this I would be very grateful! I just want to land on the moon for my Birthday! Thanks, Turtle.
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