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Posts posted by Lofar968

  1. Part of the builder's skill will be tweaking the BD AI to optimise the performance of the craft. Steering factor and limiter etc. are to be used exactly as provided in the craft file.

    Should max and min altitudes be the same for all? Some designs may work better high, other lower and slower, so may also be a design choice? Or should this, too, be a design choice?

    As long as the ranges overlap reasonably, this shouldn't result in the silly scenario of two sets of planes circling, one so far above the other they go out of the 5km engagement range.

    I can agree with your first statement. As for altitudes, generally being higher than your opponent can be a good thing. As diving is a lot easier than trying to climb to kill your opponent, while climbing isn't easy it's still possible. I would say decide a min/max altitude range for the select tournament and go with that.

  2. I'm getting the feeling the testing for this challenge might be as much or more fun/work as the tournament...

    Easy way to test weapon costing is to test different loadouts on the same airframe against each other. Standard seems to be 2 Sidewinders, 4 AMRAAM and a cannon, but I doubt there'd be 4 AMRAAM still on planes in a close dogfight like this. I'm not sure which missile type is better inside 5km, surely the Sidewinder's lower mass would make it more valuable?

    Countermeasures also need including in the cost, to introduce a defence/offence dynamic.

    Well the AMRAAMs are bulkier in close range but also do more damage than sidewinders. I can't say which is better. More maneuverable sidewinder or the more damaging AMRAAM?

    We should decide on how many 'points' we get before we move ahead of our selves.

  3. I suppose we could create a custom Kerbal Constructs site with 4 launch sites, then its just a matter of launching them, setting them up, and letting them go for the 2 v 2.

    As for base assaults, similar, but maybe with a hill in the way to give the planes a chance to get in the air before getting shot at.

    If this develops a following, new contests would use new custom sites which would be akin to a golf tour with unique courses :)

    Kerbal Konstructs? (Went and looked it up...) Ah yes we could do that. Well I thought you'd put the base far out as in on the Island Runway or other places. You could also do a naval assault. (Although that would be heavy on part count.)

  4. Thanks! I'm thinking of minimal human input for reproducibility - any ideas how to set up base assaults so the starting conditions are always the same without a massive time investment? I might use some persistence file editing to set e.g. starting positions, because I noticed slight variations in heading tend to result in the same thing happening over and over, such as one plane getting targeted by all the missiles from both enemies.

    I do like including take-off as part of the test, because the planes to reach min altitude first have the advantage. I even figured out how to do VTOL take-offs under AI, though sadly the basic jet has been nerfed so badly it's not worth it.

    I would say using Kerbin Side for placement then you could probably just duplicate the save file. I agree with including take off as the shorter the take off time the less fuel used for it and the quicker you can get into battle.

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