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Everything posted by 21kamando

  1. hmm, didn't think about doing mun <-> minmus trips. thanks for the tip. I was also figuring that depending on how much time the station and the exploration ships take to assemble I might even try building smaller stations/test colonies on Mun and Minmus. At the very least get my mining colony on minmus started.
  2. Wow. I wasn't expecting this much feedback, very cool. Thanks, I gave it a look over and downloaded it yesterday. Found it very useful when I ran both missions together. I'm thinking that's what I'm going to do. I was watching to tutorial vids Scott Manley did and I think I came up with a good orbiter/lander/rover that I can use in my first missions to Duna and Eve based on his design. Might even be a little adventurous and try at least one return mission with one of the probes. I've actually been downloading mods all yesterday (hence the late reply) and I did find Antenna Ranger and SCANSat very interesting. Also picked up Kerbal Engineer, Near Future Tech, KIS and KAS. Still browsing KerbalStuff and Curse, so any more suggestions would be welcomed. Well thanks to KAC, I now know that i got about a year before Duna is in the right spot, so i figure in the mean time I'm going to focus on the space station I talked about while I brute force a hand full of probes to both Duna and Eve.
  3. Hello Ladies and Gents, so i'm about to launch my last two missions to Mun and Minmus (at least for the near future). Up to this point my career mode has been a slightly RP-ish Apollo style manned program and a limited unmanned program (few probes to Mun and Minmus and a whole lot of commercial satellites to pay the bills.) Now I've been playing for a few months (steam says I'm up to 170 hours now) but this will be my first career mode play-through to more or less complete everything in Kerbin's SOI. So I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to do after I'm done with my next two missions so i thought I would share the basic plan I've come up with and see if you guys had any suggestions or thoughts. So to give a quick rundown of my current status; I've fully upgraded the KSC and fully unlocked the tech tree. I've already gone ahead and started a few strategies to convert the science I have and any future gains in to either cash or rep (currently a 9/1 split). I got a large roster of about 50 Kerbals, the majority are scientists then engineers and then pilots. I've got currently about 6.5 million in funds and I've learned from my first career play-through and I make sure that after a few missions I do a bunch of contracts and refill the coffers. These last two missions will be a dual launch with the idea that the crew to Minmus (if i get my timing right) will arrive right before the crew to Mun and basically i will run both missions at the same time. This is something I did to see if I can manage to run multiple missions at once. Other active missions include a basic probe on its way to low solar orbit and another on its way to Duna. So now onto my plan; My main focus and the focus of my manned program will be the construction of my first space station. The main section and the first section I'm going to build will the be main service mods and the science labs (2 or 3?) plus a few experiments so the crew can keep the labs running and generate science and therefore cash. The next bit to be built will two docking areas for visiting craft along with two areas for the assembly of future vessels in orbit. Also i will add several fuel tanks so the station can act as a refueling point for future missions. Finally once the station is fully operational I'm going to start building at least two large interplanetary ships. While I'm still nailing down what I want to do with those i do know that I want them to be able to reach another SOI and return to Kerbin orbit, carry at least two crews (the flight crew for the vessel itself and two exploration crews that will take SSTO shuttles down to the planet/moon), have some ability to mine and process its own fuel, and carry at least one lab to process the science the ground teams collect. During the building of the station and the ships my secondary focus will be sending probes and rovers to most other planets and moons in preparation for future manned missions. Now this is a truly rough outline of my plan and i bet I'm forgetting something but its late (nearly 1 am) and I wanted to get out there while it was still fresh in my head, so here it is. Anywho, I would love to hear any feedback you guys have. So please feel free to ask me anything. And thanks.
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