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Everything posted by anxcon

  1. if you do normal tank decoupler tank (no cargo bay) does it still do it? makes me wonder if its due to cargo bay working around the normal stack shape in which case makes me wonder if crossfeed to false on cargo bay fixes it either case, lock tank contents
  2. for parachute fix, the source doesnt seem to be listed on your github with rest of the modules?
  3. sounds a bit like remotetech should allow commandstations to receive science transmissions and store them
  4. for antennas, thats ModuleDataTransmitter > deployFXModules, and that counts modules listed on part.cfg, and deploys by index, 0 being first module, then 1, 2, etc, same for ModuleCargoBay, so ModuleAnimateGeneric should be at that index so you're saying ModuleScienceExperiment > FXModules is the same way? didnt think of that cuz of the naming hmm i could see that, goo/material have it set to 0, and ModuleAnimateGeneric is first module, i'll go test
  5. how to use it? cant find any docs for it experiments with animations have it set to 0 (but whats the meaning of 0?) do other values change things? code looks like its an array, so can use the field multiple times
  6. if there is a node, and parts do not attach, its entirely fixable by you in the cfg, a node is x y z rotx roty rotz size, typically not rotated right (not to say a mod shouldnt fix for all, just saying isnt required, if you're in a hurry it isnt hard)
  7. SXTInlineAirIntake node_stack_top should be as node_stack_bottom, orientation is wrong
  8. engines > blackadder >blackadder.cfg the engine model is nice, 8 bells, but the thrust plumes arent nor are they aligned fixey plz?
  9. isnt ship manifest basicly using CLS to path? and thats xfer a kerbal part to part, fully under mod control clicking on eva is running squad code to kick the kerbal out right off, then runs the game event informing i'd LOVE an event fired before the eva happens to block it, but after checking all events i see none i could add a button to right click menu of parts, but then stock method still exists, as do many mods for instant if squad would add pre event events thisd be easy lol
  10. i looked for a gameevent that would fire before eva happened, so i could stop block eva from some parts / warn if low resources etc, but found no such event, i think i would need the same for the timed delay eva
  11. technically no part has an 'airlock' modeled in, evidence being their IVA so can only pretend by type, and the 2.5M 3 crew pod to me feels like it has one, while the 1.25M 1 crew pod seems like it doesnt either way thats an MM script change for the loss per part while i could have a button to 'decompress' and pump out air to save it, then eva has full loss if not decompressed first there would be no reason to not just decompress and leave it as that, since life support systems treat kerbals in pods as 'back safe in air' CLS open/close hatch stuff would be a life support issue for LS / CLS i think, but same as decompress above, pointless nicer vs cheaper airlocks would again be an MM script per part blowing open a hatch to give a small thrust has been considered, but thats currently a weee bit past my modding skills yet source is in the zip
  12. licence CC-NC-ND [Moderator removed defunct website link] a small mod to make airlocks seem more realistic by costing a bit of electriccharge / oxygen loss each time you eva (configurable) ment for use with life support system (such as TACLS) but will still have the small electriccharge cost if stock only compatible with stock/RSS/RO planets (for no loss if on kerbin) but i do not currently use them so no idea if the loss values are 'balanced' have better MM cfg? just post and i can include big thanks to TaranisElsu for all the help in learning to mod
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