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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Nope, I do manual installs (I mean, it's not hard at all, drop into GameData folder). I'm wondering if Steam just didn't fresh install correctly or something.
  2. So, I am absolutely baffled. First, sorry for the delay, had no power for two days, my meter fried. So, I deleted my GameData folder, verified files to get the stock parts back, and rebuilt the pack piece by piece, testing every mod along the way, making sure the bug didn't happen, checking to find the mod that caused it. Of course, I get the last mod put in, whole pack is back together in one big go, and the bug is completely gone. No errors in my log, nothing. Here I am, in total frustration, I spent like three days fighting with this pack in total, and now I feel like I made a total fool of myself, bringing it to you guys and AlphaAsh, and now I can't reproduce the problem at all.
  3. So, I am absolutely baffled. First, sorry for the delay, had no power for two days, my meter fried. So, I deleted my GameData folder, verified files to get the stock parts back, and rebuilt the pack piece by piece, testing every mod along the way, making sure the bug didn't happen, checking to find the mod that caused it. Of course, I get the last mod put in, whole pack is back together in one big go, and the bug is completely gone. No errors in my log, nothing. Here I am, in total frustration, I spent like three days fighting with this pack in total, and now I feel like I made a total fool of myself, bringing it to you and the RPM guys, and now I can't reproduce the problem at all.
  4. Hey guy. I'm back to you. I still can't figure it out, even after ripping out FAR and JSI. Maybe this will make more sense to you. http://pastebin.com/9iY5i0TN Complete log http://puu.sh/j6Euv/60acf8cbc5.log
  5. Well, I yanked FAR and 90% of those errors went away, but I'm still having the problem.. Only thing erroring before it hits JSI null pointers is "script missing" when compiling parts. If you'd like to see the (much smaller) log, I'm still not sure where the problem is. http://puu.sh/j6Cwp/3020399253.log Edit: forgot link.
  6. Link to his development directory is https://bitbucket.org/blowfishpro/b9-aerospace/downloads I'll sift through the log again though to see where there errors start though. Thanks for the pointer. I'd like to get this modpack stable n usable, lol.
  7. Will do. Thanks for the help. - - - Updated - - - Install path is F:\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program. I keep my steam on a partitioned 3TB internal. My windows is on its own 500GB drive.
  8. I'm having an issue with AlphaAsh's mods and Firespitter, any cockpit I use from those two mods causes my screen to go black, affecting even the space center. I updated Raster to 0.21.2, and I can recover from it now after toggling the map screen a few times, but it's still very frustrating. Here's my post from AlphaAsh's thread, Rovers and Roadsters + K.A.P. After much discussion, he pointed me this way.
  9. Well, turns out I did have Raster installed with one of my mods, didn't even notice it. I updated the the version that came out 4 hours ago. I still get this from it [EXC 17:08:02.434] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object JSI.JSIVariableAnimator.LateUpdate () [EXC 17:08:02.435] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object JSI.JSIVariableAnimator.LateUpdate () [EXC 17:08:02.436] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object JSI.JSIVariableAnimator.LateUpdate () [EXC 17:08:02.437] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object JSI.JSIVariableAnimator.LateUpdate () [EXC 17:08:02.438] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object JSI.JSIVariableAnimator.LateUpdate () [EXC 17:08:02.438] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object JSI.JSIVariableAnimator.LateUpdate () [EXC 17:08:02.439] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object JSI.JSIVariableAnimator.LateUpdate () [EXC 17:08:02.440] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object JSI.JSIVariableAnimator.LateUpdate () [EXC 17:08:02.440] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object JSI.JSIVariableAnimator.LateUpdate () [EXC 17:08:02.441] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object JSI.JSIVariableAnimator.LateUpdate () [EXC 17:08:02.442] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object JSI.JSIVariableAnimator.LateUpdate () [EXC 17:08:02.442] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object NavWaypoint.LateUpdate () [LOG 17:08:02.444] Look rotation viewing vector is zero [LOG 17:08:02.462] Look rotation viewing vector is zero [LOG 17:08:02.463] Look rotation viewing vector is zero [LOG 17:08:02.464] Look rotation viewing vector is zero [LOG 17:08:02.465] Look rotation viewing vector is zero And it still does the black screen, but now I can get it back after toggling map view a few times, so it's a notable improvement.
  10. I haven't installed Raster. Would it fix it if I did?
  11. 64bit Windows, 32bit kerbal, Forced OpenGL This problem only happens when I launch any cockpit from your mods, or from Firespitter. Other parts work fine. I have Rovers 0.6.1, K.A.P. 2.2.1, Firespitter 7.1.4 ModList (PasteBin because spoiler tags were not working) http://pastebin.com/ZAEzDg3n Screenshot Album http://imgur.com/a/iD8lg Log (spoiler tag problem again) (Just this stuff spammed over and over) http://pastebin.com/SgAC144g Full log if you want it. I tried PasteBin and TextUploader, but the 42mb caused the pages to crash. http://puu.sh/j6qb7/fb0d7ef068.log
  12. I found the problem with the tank type config. This is what it says @TANKTYPE[Components]:NEEDS[KolonyTools] { PossibleResources = MechanicalParts 0.2; Machinery 0.2; StructuralParts 0.2; Recyclables 0.2; ElectronicParts 0.2; Polymers 0.2; SpareParts 0.2; } @TANKTYPE[Components]:NEEDS[Launchpad] { @PossibleResources,0 ^= :$: ScrapMetal 0.2; RocketParts 0.2;: } This is what it should say @TANKTYPE[Components]:NEEDS[KolonyTools] { @PossibleResources,0 ^=:$: MechanicalParts 0.2; Machinery 0.2; StructuralParts 0.2; Recyclables 0.2; ElectronicParts 0.2; Polymers 0.2; SpareParts 0.2; } @TANKTYPE[Components]:NEEDS[Launchpad] { @PossibleResources,0 ^= :$: ScrapMetal 0.2; RocketParts 0.2;: } At least, if the rest of the config is anything to go by. Edit: missed the @ sign in the correction.
  13. Having a problem with Rovers & Roadsters unfortunately. Just putting the runabout cockpit, for example, regardless of any other parts, gives me the look rotation viewing vector is zero bug, which pretty much removes the playing area and leaves a black screen with the UI, or sometime the space background with the UI.
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