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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Still not working All launches listed below typically last less than a minute before crashing 1: Only a short while after OS re-install, launched Learstar for more than a minute, no crash. 2: After a few hours of updates and random stuff, crash 3: Verified integrity, downloaded 2 files, launched a modified version of kerbal x with more parts, no problem. Launched learstar, crash. 4: Verify again, launched kerbal x crashed. 5: Verified again, used opengl method of opening the game, launched kerbal x for more than a minute, no crash. Launched learstar, crash after a while. At this point, I have no idea what is going on anymore. I am able to run insurgency and GTA V with no crashes.
  2. sal_vager: on stock, most craft seem to run fine. However, when I launch the LearStar A1, it crashes around a minute after launch. This is probably because the craft uses the most memory as it has fairly many parts and has aerodynamics to calculate. Speadage: I was previously running on 32bit and did not run 64bit. Not sure why but probably something to do with mods. Anyway, I will running memtest86 later to check for any defective RAM. And maybe I will reinstall Windows as KSP is not the only thing crashing so I suspect some software issues at the OS level.
  3. Hey, thanks for your quick reply! The link is here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9HPtOoHBQSkMUFiMTAzYWNZNTA
  4. Version: 1.0.4 KSP, not sure about 32bit or 64bit as I only have 1 KSP.exe. Specs: Windows 7 64bit, 8GB RAM. Description: Stock game crashes when RAM is around 4GB. I am aware that this game has severe problems with RAM. However, I have played KSP before with lots of mods before such as KWRocketry, B9 and EVE with ATM of course and it does not crash unless I really strain the system. The strange thing now though is that when i run my backup copies (version 0.25), it no longer works as well with crashes around a minute into the game and more than 4GB RAM usage. I am not sure the problem is due to my PC software, my hardware or the game. I suspect that it is my PC's fault but have no idea how to verify it and fix it. I have included some file links below. Any help will be greatly appreciated! I can't wait to start playing this wonderful game again. I think I will try the Opengl method that I saw mentioned elsewhere on the Internet. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9HPtOoHBQSkbmNUY3NZRkVndGM/view?usp=sharing (My 1.0.4 Version output_log. I dont have any error reports) https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9HPtOoHBQSkfnpUTzE0YjZ3ZkhmYXhSZ3RLMGs3ZXBualExaG9xQ1ozM2g3UWJBaENvUE0 (My 0.25 Version crash report)
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