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  1. Nice post. Sadly it looks like the explosion mystery won't be resolved for now.
  2. Thanks for the help everyone! It indeed turned out to be just fine. Things did heat up into the red, and I slowed down dangerously late but the mission was a complete success after all! ​ Every time I tried that everything exploded. To me it seemed like the overheated parts caused to flip everything around. But it all happens very quickly so I'm not sure. Does anyone know a little more about that?
  3. The node would bring me into 70km circular orbit. I am very doubtful that 700 dV would be enough, and aerobraking with this craft is probably not that effective. Still tempted to let everything in front the heatshield burn away Isn't there a way to spoiler images?
  4. Hello Dear Forum Dwellers I'm not all too happy about asking for help in my first post, but I really could use some advise on this. http://i.imgur.com/MvuzqrP.png Not sure if I can spoiler Images After a small minmus science gathering mission, I now have to get the 3 brave kerbonauts back home. Unfortunately, I forgot to add a decoupler between the heatshield and the rest of the craft (usually I am that deviant to put the headshields in front, followed by a cone). I have the option to dock to my station, that has some return capabilities, however, I really don't feel like it. Even though I only put it up for situations like this. Instead, I want to try and bring it down without an active heatshield. It takes about 200ÃŽâ€v (out of 1800) to lower my kerbin periapsis, and then 800 for an orbit. So here are my questions: Will my kerbals ever see their families again if I try? What is the most efficient way to de orbit into a safe re entry? Why can't I just let the parts blocking the heat shields burn up, without exploding myself? Thats all. Have a nice 6 hours!
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