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    Curious George
  1. Thanks for the post , I appreciate it, but I have tried different staging in different orders, no matter where I put it, it will automatically execute its stage and dissapear from the staging, even if it's at the top, it dissapears.
  2. Hi, I'm posting this because I'm really desperate, no matter what I do I can't use the FASA Launch tower, it automatically retracts at the moment the launch begins and it give sme no oportunity to click on the hatch to EVA the kerbals. I tried only with FASA mod installed and it works, so it has to be a problem related to Realism Overhaul or any of it dependancies. I even tried modifying some parameters in the cfg file but there is no change, it always retracts automatically at the beginning. Any help would be appreciated , thanks very much =)
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