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Everything posted by WeeJeeMan

  1. Hey all, So the problem is everytime I try to download a mod through CKAN I get this error message (Failed to download "https://spacedock.info/mod/234/[x] Science!/download/v5.11" - error: The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.) recommendations? The mod I choose does not matter I still get the error message at the end.
  2. Just wanted to say thank you again everyone, here's a little bit of what I have done so far. This mod is amazing!!
  3. - - - Updated - - - Sooooo obv. I'm not the brightest crayon in the box when it comes to KSP and RT LOL that worked stupendously. problem resolved. thank you thank you thank you
  4. Its ok I don't mind people laughing at my expense lol
  5. Thank you, and yes I have tried turning them on - - - Updated - - - thank you , I will give it a try.
  6. I have tried all omni's that come stock and with RT. none of them will connect what so ever. View My Video Also I did a little testing. I lose comm's around 3k m - - - Updated - - - For some reason my video did not work. uploading a new one to youtube will post it soon https://youtu.be/d-fYEOcyK-A
  7. Here are some picture's trying to show what I mean. I am using a clean install of KSP, Ckan to install mods (tried this with CKAN and adding the mod manually got the same results) most current version of KSP and RT. I built a test bench with all current antenna's. hope this helps Hey thank you for the input, I wish it was as simple as that. @ about 3k M I lose all control of my probe. any omnidirectional antenna refuses to connect to mission control any any way.. its really bummin me out https://youtu.be/d-fYEOcyK-A
  8. Hi I'm having a problem with Remotetech for some reason none of my omnidirectional antenna will connect to mission control. They do not even show up in the selection menu in map view. I have even tried this with a clean stock install of KSP. all dish type antenna work it is just the omnidirectional ones that do not.
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