..."KPS is not a difficult game"......"KPS is not a difficult game"......"KPS is not a difficult game"... is the new mantra everybody repeats, when the question of whether or not game certain changes after 1.0.x are meaningful. Don't get me wrong but I think I speak for everybody else who is bothered by those changes when I say that the new parachute dynamics are ANNOYING AS HELL. Simple as that... and the controls that go with them can't change the fact. Not in stock anyway. think about this situation: as of 1.0.x I was forced to install 2 separate mods (stage recovery and real parachutes) only to be able to achieve the simple goal of landing my empty stages safely. Well, as it is in stock right now I forgot how the landed debris icon looked like, because nothing makes it back in one piece. ever since 1.0.x I found it annoyingly difficult to land manually controlling the parachutes and almost impossible if you rely solely on the automatic arming settings. And notice how one of those mods just cheats the game engine not to calculate physics but just assume parts with parachutes land. the main point being: the Heat intensity can be adjusted in the difficulty settings. WHY isnt there a setting for the parachutes' survivability?? You see It's serious as more players are forced to register and leave comments like this