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Everything posted by gdshard.morpheus

  1. Oh boy, I must have really seen the danger sign as an invitation without realizing. Thanks a lot, just tested it with the right parachutes and everything is fine e:/Seeing this I must have somehow quoted the wrong post ...
  2. Hey, ran into a bit of an issue testing out this mod. So I hope it's just some tiny thing where I am doing something really stupid and nothing more, still: Whenever I install this I don't seem to get the necessary amount of drag on reentry. Even with parachutes I almost don't slow down at all. First I thought it might be reacting with some other mod, so I took a clean 104 install and copied in the folders: same result. Short demonstration of what I mean: By the time I recorded the video I had installed Real Chutes because I originally thought it might be an issue with parachutesm but that made no difference at all. Also: While the mod is installed I get the same problem even on stock capsules. Maybe someone can point me towards what I'm missing here
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