I found already 1 mod for GPS but my suggestion is different. First of all I suggest GPS to really be part of the game since it would just fit too good. I would include the following into research and development in career mode: 1 GPS antenna (transmitter), 1 GPS antenna (receiver), 1 UTC clock, 1GPS Module (the actual GPS module, which gives exakt position on the celestal body). To create a GPS satellite you would need to orbit a satellite with 1 antenna (receiver), 1 antenna (transmitter), and 1 UTC clock. Of course it also needs constant electrical power. I would also add 1 building to the space center to be unlockable in later stages of career mode for a fairly expensive amount of credits/cash and at late stages of career research and development trees/paths). To establish the GPS you would need to orbit 8 GPS capable satellites (s. above) with same/constant angle of inclination between them arround the celestal body. So it would be possible to create GPS also on other celestal bodies like MUN ..........You also need to unlcok the above mentioned GPS building in the space center. After these steps you can connect your GPS Module (s. above) to your missle/aircraft/satellite and it shows your latitudes and longitudes. You have also a new GPS target feature (new colour and symbol on the nav ball) and are able to target exact coordinates (e.g. the space center runway) on the reference celestal body by setting up a target in Map mode (e.g. right click an a positon---->create GPS target position) In career mode you can now have new contract/mission types: First of all there is a contract to establish the GPS system arround Kerbal(Earth) Planet. And then a few examples: - establish a GPS system arround a different celestal body. E.g. MUN - fly to exact locations on the celestal body -land on exact locations - return and land on the runway in space center Best regards, Wizzler