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Everything posted by kuba1410

  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you! One value was at 256. Now my KSP is complete, I just cannot make myself to play it without RVE. You're doing excellent work and, honestly, I can't wait for the next version!
  2. Thanks, but it seems that even without the scatterrer config files thins stay the same, i.e. one cloud layer, no terrain textures. I must be doing something wrong. I think I will try to install just the essential RSS/RO mods and try RVE with that.
  3. I think you should be fine (depending the specs of your Mac of course) with the win version: https://github.com/Pingopete/RVE-KSP-1.0.4
  4. Big thanks for getting back to me Pete. Yes, I am sure that I am using the linux branch, I have a fresh install of Ubuntu and it is the only version of RVE I have downloaded. And yes I I copied the scatter folder from the repo to /gamedata and merged it with the existing scatterer folder (tried both versions of scatterer - the current one and the one suggested in the repo readme). And to make sure, this is what I did: 1. Downloaded scatterer 1. Copied the RVE and scatterer folders from the RVE linux repo to gamedata 2. Copied the EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements folder from the zip filed in the Overhaul branch of EVE to gamedata 3. Copied the BoulderCo folder from the zip in the Overhaul branch of EVE to gamedata and deleted Atmosphere, CityLights, Terrain folders that's about it. Funny thing I noticed is that whenever I change the launch site, I seem to be getting an additional layer of clouds:
  5. Thanks a lot Pete, I extracted the BoulderCo folder, which after deleting the folders looks like this: but nothing has really changed, I still get this:
  6. Hi, I've installed Ubuntu recently only to enjoy KSP, RVE and a long list of mods without crashes However, for the life of me I can't get RVE to work though seemingly I follow the readme to the letter. I'm sure I am making a simple mistake, here's what I did: 1. I downloaded the EVE Overhaul branch and extracted the Game data\EnvironmentalVisualEnhancement folder from the file x86-Release.zip to the KSP\Game data folder 2. I downloaded the Linux branch of RVE and extracted the RVE folder to KSP\Game data, 3. I understand that Scatterer is optional, so without Scatterer I get this: As you see, the terrain and cloud textures seemed to be working, the only thing that is messed up is the sky. Now, if I use Scatterer (with the RVE configs), I get this: As you can see the terrain textures are stock, so RVE does not seem to be working. Anybody else had this issue. Did I go wrong somewhere in my install. Thanks in advance for your help!
  7. All right, thank you very much for your help. Will try this.
  8. Thanks! Just one question for clarity - I need to overwrite all *.cfg files from the linux release to the Windows release, yes?
  9. This looks absolutely brilliant. Any chance of you posting some instructions on how to make a hybrid between the two versions?
  10. No, I loaded a game, went to launchpad and did all the Alt+E things (applied all the clouds, the atmospheres and the Aurora) there. Then I went to orbit to see how everything looks and I got the grey spot seen on the screenshot. I have a couple of atmosphere files(?) to apply after hitting ALT+E (IIRC atmosphereB, atmosphereW and may a third one, can't remember now). I got the idea that this may be due to RP-0 (RVE and RP-0 seem to be incompatible - one uses Earth, the other Kerbin - I know I can change Earth to Kerbin in RP-0 to make them compatible, is it possible to change Kerbin to Earth in RVE?). So I deleted RP-0, got to loading screen and, as always, got white continents (but I assume this is normal, because I also had them in the previous version): Then I decided to start a completely new game, went to the launchpad - Alt+E apply clouds, atmospheres, aurora and launched a new rocket (used a cheat to get orbit-capable engines instantly) and got this: and a bit higher up this: Then, after passing the Karman line everything started to look perfectly, no problems etc. I then went back to the tracking station and accessed the rocket from there and got this: So everything seems more or less fine when I launch a new rocket, problems start when I try to load it from the tracking station. That is not so bad, the only problem for me is lack of compatibility with RP-0. And, Jesus, those linux screenshots look absolutely amazing, I am seriously contemplating installing Linux just to have your enhancement. Thanks again for your help.
  11. I launched my RVE install to make sure - yes, this occurs even when the first thing I do is go to the launchpad.
  12. Hi, first of all I'd like to say thanks Pingopete for doing this, I now find it hard to play RSS/RO without your amazing enhancement. I did however run into some issues with the recent version, hope you can help me out: 1. This is something I've been running into also in the previous version (after pressing Alt+E on the launch pad): is this as it should be or is there something wrong with my install? 2. I LEO I'm getting this: This was not an issue with the previous version. In the readme you mentioned: "EVE-GUI APPLY WILL CAUSE SERIOUS BUGS WHEN IN LOW ORBIT". Is this a manfiestation of these bugs or, again, did I do something wrong?
  13. I installed the new RSS, RO, RP-0 releases and didn't have any contacts available (apart from the altitude and velocity records). I checked contract configurator and got this: This got me thinking and I changed the value of targetBody from Earth to Kerbin in the First Flight contract file and it worked. I then manually changed all values mentioning Earth (the only other one was OrbitEarth) to Kerbin and now all contracts are working correctly. Is this a mistake in RP-0 or am I missing some mod? EDIT: Nevermind, the issue was caused by RVE which has not yet been updated for RSS 10.2.
  14. I also used the way Magico13 suggested. I'll think I'll try with a completely fresh install of KSC. Maybe that will work. Try looking it by by SXT in the filer, it definitely is in CKAN.
  15. Hi, I am having some problems with RP-0. I've installed all the required extra dependencies and copied the RP-0 folder (latest pre-release) to the game data folder, but when I start a new game all I have in my 'available' contracts windows is the 3 contracts for Remote Tech. There are additional record-breaking contracts (altitude and velocity) in the 'active' contracts window, but that is it. I really like the structured progression offered by SETI Contracts, but RO/RSS have ruined the stock system and engines for me, so I would really like to have RP-0. Can anyone help?
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