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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. DeMatt is correct in his assumption, nothing happened when I switched between the 2 pods, when I let them orbit forever (except of course they slowly drifted apart), etc. No matter what, it just didn't complete. In the end I edited the save, set the contract to completed, added the funds+sci+rep manually and called it a day.
  2. Val: 70,400-71,468 Jeb: 70,396-71,480 Not burning more fuel than required. I guess worst case I can just try to edit the save file (while peeking around I also discovered that Val grins like a monkey because she's also BadS).
  3. Yes, nothing happens. My main issue is that I'm tight on budget...
  4. Separate launches, both built + launched after I picked up the contract. It was real fun to rendezvous them without nodes/cones.
  5. Well, this, really. Also, happy Valentina couldn't be happier to see Jeb. eta: I pushed Jeb's pod to higher orbit and lower orbit using Val's engines (can't bet closer than that) but still nothing happened.
  6. Picked up the rendezvous contract yesterday for a new carrier, says bring 2 ships within sight of each other and kill the relative velocity. I have 2 pods within 20m of each other, 0.0m/s relative velocity on a 70.1-70.4 orbit, yet contract is not completed. Am I missing something here? Also, flying without conics/nodes is damn heroic, feels like Apollo 13'ing every single mission.
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