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Everything posted by notasnark

  1. I forgot that after quitting out, a flight will revert back to the start. There's a "Wings Give Me Speed" plane sitting on the runway. To replicate the problem you can fly that to the area called "Bill's Wreckage Beta" (it's a 15-20min flight). When you get close to that you will begin to see targets labelled as "Grasshopper Debris". At some point on approach to that area (I've only tried it at low altitude), I am no longer able to quick save. If I land, then "Recover Vessel" also does nothing. I've just tried it with another craft (a very cut down Grasshopper probe with infinity fuel switched on, which is a lot quicker than the plane), and as soon as that gets close the same problem kicks in, so it doesn't appear to be related to the vessel that I'm flying. Once I've been close to the area, then even leaving the area doesn't resolve the problem.
  2. I only have one save, so whether it happens in other saves doesn't help me much since this save is for my campaign game. Trying one of my previous campaigns and that seems to be okay. Save file is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/n8dk2nbs2k50bb5/quicksave.sfs?dl=0 I did manage to "Recover Vessel", and starting another flight everything seemed to be okay. I flew back over to where I was performing the missing, quick saves working fine, until I got close to the original point where I had problems and then quick saves stopped working. It seems to be when I get to that point, the game breaks. Unfortunately, my last quick save is at a point where it's impossible to stop going into the broken area, so I'm now stuck. There does seem to be some invisible debris from a previous probe floating in the air nearby, so I don't know whether that is the cause (or another symptom) of the issue.
  3. Validating the steam cache reported two invalid files, which have been re-downloaded. However, I still get the problem and still get the NullReferenceException errors in the log. If I run the game directly outside of Steam, I still get the problem. I have noticed that there's several 'objects' seemingly floating around the area (no signs of anything, just a distance marker to a point above the surface of the planet, some of them are labelled as debris). I have 'recovered my craft' (which works if I don't move immediately after the last quicksave point), and will try again with a new craft and see if the problem continues to repeat.
  4. I've uploaded log files and a screenshot of the vehicle to drop box: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/c4a3kr3bl9ikz1q/AADxfEKQSVsFEm2c_cLIk1nya?dl=0
  5. I keep running into problems where I can no longer quick save, recover my vessel or return to the space centre. The only way to quit out of the current ship is to reload the last quicksave or kill the game. I'm currently landed on Kerbin with a plane, in the middle of a set of seismic missions. Starting the game from fresh, I can switch to flying the plane, and if I hit F5 then quicksave works. If I start moving, such as to turn the plane around, then at some point quick save and other operations cease functioning. Sometimes I can do something, come to a stop, and perform a quicksave. Most of the time it fails. I can change to map view (and set a navigation target for the next location), but I can't switch to any other active craft, I can't recover my vessel, and I can't return to the space centre (I get up the menu, but if I select 'Space Center' nothing happens). This is a campaign mode game I've been running since 1.0 came out (though I haven't played it for about a month). Any ideas? Thanks.
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