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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Okay adding onto that (sorry I'm just double checking) I then need to do a plane change of 80 degrees. Now since I dont want to change my geometry I'm doing Dv^2 = 2v^2(1-cos(80)) With velocity being the Ap speed of 1575, giving me a Dv of 2025. Is this even vaguely correct? If so I might actually be able to get this dang thing into orbit.
  2. Wow thank you so much!! That has really helped clear things up. I wasnt expecting a handy little drawing either xD Thanks again. I'll marked as answered! But if I have any other issues I'll post here and hope for the best! Now back to the tutorials =P
  3. Hey Slash, thanks so much for the response, I'm not trying to call you out on your maths as god knows I'm at the bottom of the pecking order when it comes to the numbers I'm just asking as I was leaning slightly differently with the Delta v and needed to clear it up in my own head =) I would have though burn #1 would have been from Pe 2,270 to Ap, 1,575 as thats where your increasing to, with burn #2 going from the Ap of 1,575 to Pe 2,507 which gives me a total Delta v of 1627. I'm not saying your wrong It's just thats what I was thinking and Need to clear it up as to why thats wrong in my own head =)
  4. Okay trying to start basic, I'm trying to calculate the velocity of Ap at a 100km above Kerbin, I'm getting the number 2238.0453ms. The velocity of the Pe with an orbit of 90km is according to my numbers, 2270.486. This could all be terribly wrong but I am trying! =P So then I need to for a contract achieve an orbit with Ap of 498km and Pe of 494km. So then I'm getting an Apv of 1575.5796ms and then one the Pe is achieved a velocity of 2507.2267ms. I'm struggling working out the Delta v however. Which numbers would I subtract from which to achieve the Delta V? Sorry I'm not a maths guy at heart this is the only things thats sparked an interest in it and now I'm really trying =P Meant to be a reply to Red Iron Crown, Sorry. But also thanks everyone else for the suggestions! Bigcalm that spreadsheet looks great =) I'm slowly working through the replies suggestions!
  5. So after deciding to get back into KSP I realised I was terrible at it and hadn't mysteriously improved after leaving it alone for so long, instead of just running away though I decided I would actually try to accomplish things in the game as It's rather addicting! Now the issue is I figured I'd try to learn how to actually calculate some of the maths needed rather than just trial and error on my poor kerbals but I'm struggling to make heads or tails of it, probably because I was never that good at maths in school but I dont want to use cheat sheets or mods to do the calculations for me. Now anyone reading this might have figured why I'm hitting this brick wall then. This is why I was hoping someone would take the time to walk me through the maths so I could get the most enjoyment (for me and the way I like to play games) from KSP. I have been following the Advanced rocketry on the wiki as well as doing large amounts of googling but still I'm struggling. So far I can calculate the Delta V of the specific stages of my ship, as well as the TWR. What I'm struggling with is calculating the Delta v needed to perform maneuvers, for instance working out the Delta v required to take off from the mun and going round it in an orbit of 20km above the surface, or the Delta v needed to change to a polar orbit. What I'm hoping someone will do is explain how to make the calculations to actually know the Delta v needed to perform the moves as well as clearly explain to an idiot if you feel like now is the time for you to do some charity work for another KSP player =P Any help appreciated apart from using the delta v maps! Seen them trying to avoid them =P
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