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Posts posted by wrcsubers

  1. It's a bird... It's a Plane... It's a...?


    Banana Relay Station!!  The latest design from 'Hungry Monkey Space Systems' will faithfully relay all of your communication needs to locations as far away as 1/2 way to the Mun! Includes everything you ever wanted in a relay station:

    - A total pain to launch and nearly impossible to maneuver!

    - Batteries with basically no capacity!

    - A single short range antenna!

    - Delicious and healthy styling!



    Mods Used: TweakScale

  2. 3 hours ago, Snark said:

    Yeah, but I've been seriously thinking about writing a mod to nerf EVA to something reasonable.  Not "realistic", I think it's fine to be more powerful than the real-life EVA suits.  But 600 m/s is just ludicrous.  They're supposed to be for maneuvering around an orbiting ship, not sending a kerbal all the way home to Kerbin from the surface of Minmus without a ship. Sheesh.

    Agreed, something more realistic would certainly be popular with the 'Hardcore' type of players.  Maybe cut it down to 1/3 or 1/4 of the current dV? Reduce the power as well.  I don't think you can change ISP directly (at least from looking at the code), but I'm pretty sure you'd be just fine limiting the power and then limiting the fuel.

    KerbalEVA KEVA;
    KEVA.linPower = *float*
    KEVA.rotPower = *float*
    KEVA.PropellantConsumption = *float*

    There is a 'Fuel' & 'FuelCapacity' but both are read only.  So between tweaking those three values above, I'm sure you could find a happy balance.

  3. 4 hours ago, OhioBob said:

    The mass of a Kerbal on EVA is 94 kg and he/she has 5 units of EVA propellant.  However, a Kerbal's mass does not change as EVA propellant is consumed (it always remains 94 kg regardless of whether the EVA pack is full or empty).  This makes the ISP infinite (which makes the OP's question moot).  However, if we assume that his/her mass does decrease, then we can compute the ISP.  We don't know the density of "EVA propellant," but if we assume it is the same as monopropellant (4 kg/unit), then we have 20 kg of propellant.  This means that the ISP is,

    ISP = 600 / (LN(94/74)*9.80665) = 256 s


    I would say this is very close, especially if you imagine (like I had originally) that Squad used a similar model to the RCS block's ISP in Vac of 240.

    3 hours ago, Snark said:

    Isp isn't irrelevant, even if the propellant is massless. When an engine's Isp changes, so does its max thrust.

    So a different way of phrasing the OP's question would be, Does atmospheric pressure affect the max thrust and the dV of an EVA pack?

    I don't know the answer. My guess is that it doesn't change, mainly because it would have been more work to code it, and it's clear that realistic EVA thruster performance is not an area that Squad has been prioritizing. :)



    You're correct Snark, that IS what I was trying to ask =) I'm going to agree with you that it doesn't change, just from eyeballing it on different bodies, atmosphere or not, it seems like it had the same relative effectiveness when you take local gravity into account.

    As for realistic EVA thruster performance, the original NASA MMU has an ISP of 60 and uses N2.  dV with 0lbs of Cargo is about 42m/s and dV with 500lbs of Cargo is about 23m/s. 

    I'm thinking that a 'Realistic EVA Thruster Performance' Mod wouldn't be very much fun lol

  4. 4 hours ago, Tarrence12 said:

    Heyo I'm using CKAN to install your mod and I wanted to let you know that it's giving me a bunch of nullrefs since it can't find the toolbar picture since the mod isn't installing correctly with CKAN (I assume). It's installing under KerbalSpaceProgram/GameData/GameData/RoboBrakes   Might wanna fix it with CKAN by takin out that extra GameData. (I dunno how it works exactly, but I figure its on your end)

    Fixed =) Thanks for the heads up Tarrence12 - new version is 0.4.1

  5. Exactly right! Good memory... I'm doing pretty much the same thing:

    private void OnGUIApplicationLauncherReady ()
    			if (EVAOK_MSC_ToolbarButton == null) {
    				EVAOK_MSC_ToolbarButton = ApplicationLauncher.Instance.AddModApplication (
    					EVAOK_MSC_GUISwitch, EVAOK_MSC_GUISwitch,
    					null, null,
    					null, null,

    My question was this, the last two 'null' values refer to RUIToggleButton.onEnable and RUIToggleButton.onDisable respectively.  I don't think I've ever seen them used, but I was wondering what they are for... I'm guessing they get called when the Toolbar Button is enabled/disabled.  You could refer to a method in there instead of listening for the GameEvent when the button is disabled right?  I know they would end up with the same conclusion, but it might be a cleaner way to do it? Just curious...

  6. On 12/9/2015, 10:19:12, djnattyd said:

    I'm also getting weirdness when using TIM and ENB although my issue is that the ghosted needle appears outside of the navball. This happens even if I reset the navball size to default.

    Hey djnattyd,

    Thanks for trying TIM.  I'm working on updates for a couple pluggins right now, and TIM is next on my list. 

    Seeing as I can't seem to get the issues others are having to reproduce reliably on my setup, would you maybe be interested in testing out new versions for me once I get them up and running? PM me if you (or anyone else) is interested in doing this for me.


  7. Hey Guys,

    Just a little bug I'm trying to figure out.  I've got a toolbar button (Stock Toolbar) I'm trying to get to show up ONLY in the Space Center Scene, but there is a small issue...

    • Upon initial loading of the game, the button doesn't load. Fixed: Added OnGUIApplicationLauncherReady (); to the end of my awake section
    • If I go into Flight Scene and come right back out to Space Center Scene, the button shows fine.
    • If I keep going back and forth, the button duplicates itself.

    Here is what I have:

    [KSPAddon (KSPAddon.Startup.SpaceCentre, false)]
    public class CLASSY : MonoBehaviour
    		//Initialize Textures & Events
    		private void Awake ()
    			if (GameDatabase.Instance.ExistsTexture ("Plugin/Textures/ToolbarButtonDefault")) {
    				ToolbarButtonTexture = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture ("Plugin/Textures/ToolbarButtonDefault", false);
    			GameEvents.onGUIApplicationLauncherReady.Add (OnGUIApplicationLauncherReady);
    			OnGUIApplicationLauncherReady (); //This fixed my first issue
    		//Create the App Launcher when ready
    		private void OnGUIApplicationLauncherReady ()
    			if (ToolbarButton == null) {
    				ToolbarButton = ApplicationLauncher.Instance.AddModApplication (
    					GUISwitch, GUISwitch,
    					null, null,
    					null, null,
    		//Switch(from toolbar button) to trigger OnDraw
    		public void GUISwitch ()
    			RenderingManager.AddToPostDrawQueue (0, OnDraw);
    			SettingsGUI = new Rect (Screen.width / 2, Screen.height / 2, 250, 400);
    			if (ShowSettings == false) {
    				ShowSettings = true;
    			} else {
    				ShowSettings = !ShowSettings;
    		//OnDraw Shows the MainGUI Window
    		private void OnDraw()
    			GUI.skin.window.richText = true;
    			if (ShowSettings == true) {
    				SettingsGUI = GUI.Window (151844, SettingsGUI, MainGUI, "<b>Title</b>");
    		//MainGUI Window Content
    		private void MainGUI (int WindowID)
    			GUI.Box (new Rect (1,1,25,25), "box text" );

    How can I stop that button from duplicating?

    Any help is appreciated =)


  8. On 12/1/2015, 11:19:27, gilflo said:

    Does robobrake work with whatever engine, because I did not succeed Zeroing throttle on OPT engine?

    The "enable part>engine" stay grey at 0

    I enabled robobrake on Adjustable landing gear by adding the following

            name = ModuleRoboBrakes


    Hey Gilflo! Sorry for the delayed response, I didn't get a notice that there was a reply here..

    Can you tell me what engine you're speaking of exactly, I don't recognize OPT...

    As for compatibility with BDs Adjustable Landing Gear, thanks for the heads up! I will look into adding that into my official release next time around.

    I appreciate the feedback! If you have any other info for me, please let me know =)

  9. On 12/5/2015, 6:38:54, Scotius said:

    Now, now - let's keep our minds open. I believe most of us would be against building the telescope (no matter how cool) smack in the middle of breeding grounds of some endangered animals of plants, right? Spiritual beliefs of the local inhabitants are worth preserving too - they were, and still probably are a big part of their culture for hundreds of years. And now those beliefs might be endangered by our own, global culture. We shouldn't trample someones past just for the sake of our hunger for knowledge - it's counterproductive :)

    We don't have to trample anything or anyone... As for Animals vs. Humans, we are talking about breeding/living/feeding grounds for animals who can't fend for themselves vs. Humans who can do all of that basically anywhere (ironically I doubt anyone would pick the top of a 14,000ft mountain on a lush tropical island to do those things at).  Humans also have the distinct advantage of complex thought. 

    While I'm sure there are some that disagree, we (not as a species/race/religion/etc, but as an entire planetary unit) need to be driving our development and understanding forward.  While traditions/sacred sites are good and well, we should be able to look at something like this and say 'Isn't the telescope in the interest of the greater good of the planetary unit?'. 

    I don't mean to offend anyone, but if you look at history, too many times has religion, politics or self-interest gotten in the way of valuable scientific research and findings.  We certainly haven't gotten to where we are with technology by following (to quote Monty Python) 'Outdated Imperialist Dogma'.

  10. Assuming they arrived here on earth from some far away distance/time; I'm pretty sure they will be explaining time to US.  Our understand of time and physics is immense, from our perspective and reference; however, to an obviously far advanced space-faring civilization, we may have just an infantile understanding of time and physics.

    As for the Cesium... Don't forget that our measurements of time are something that WE developed.  While always exists, our measurement of it is defined by our original constraints. Think of it like this...

    500 years ago(simply for comparison) we didn't need to measure the very large(distances between galaxies) or very small (atomic levels), so someone said 'let's make the meter'.  As time goes on we needed to measure larger and smaller things, so the dimensions stretched.  Now we have the Planck and Parsecs.  Time has a very similar story, but time is more relevant to our planet.  The reason a day is a seemingly random 86400 seconds, is because that is relevant to our planets rotation (which we now know isn't even constant).

    Even someone from Mars would find our definition of time clunky to their relative frame.  Not to say that our definition of time is wrong, but it is probably very easily explained, yet also very irrelevant to alien life.

  11. 5 hours ago, WildLynx said:

    Enhanced navball 1.3.6

    Looks like it's resizing with the navball ... strange.

    Also, I have square monitor 1280x1024 - don't think it's matters ...

    A lot of mods, but ... nothing that can distort screen ...

    Interesting... I did get it to go wonky on me once when I loaded an existing craft on the runway, but as soon as I reloaded it everything was back to normal and it was scaling with the NavBall.  I'll take a look at the code for ENB and see how they are re-sizing it, see if I can't put a check in there to make sure it is the right size.

    It's finals week so I might not get to it right away, but I'll look into it. =) Thanks Again

  12. 14 minutes ago, Azimech said:

    While a perfect symmetry in a car, boat or plane is perceived as pleasing, a perfect symmetry in a human face creeps the hell out of us, because it cannot and does not exist. Some even call it demonic when they're shown a photoshopped picture with it.

    ...sounds like a girl I used to date haha

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