Hi, I have trouble with Cubic Octagonal Strut. It overheats often when I use it. For example when I park rover inside cargo plane it almost instantly overheats breaking rover's suspension. I hope we'll find solution or at least find what's wrong. Maybe some tweaks to Cubic... will help. But I'd like to avoid making Cubic OP Used mods: Adjustable Landing Gear B9 Areospace Procedurals BahaSP(I forgot correct name of mod 'll correct later) BDArmory Better Buoyancy Davon Throtle Control System Action Grups Extended RCS Landing Aid FAR Firrespitter Plugin RPM Vessel Viewer KAS KIS Kerbal Engineer Kerball Founderies(Add some tracks and wheels) Kerbal Joint Reinforcement KSC Buldings Scrouts Mk3 Mini Expansion Modular Flight Integrator DPAI Portrait Stats Procedural Fairings RCS Build Aid Real Chutes AmpYear Power Magnament Scan Sat Smart Parts Smart Stage Stock CClamshell Fairings SXT TCA Trajectories Kerball Alarm Clock VNG (ads EVA chutes) And .craft files Plane and Rover