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    Curious George
  1. Nice maps. It seems that I have to keep my arrival orbit around Jool, for my future Laythe mission, small. So that I won't crash into an other moon. @Geschoßkopf: I can't remember trying to place a craft near the SOI border, so I have no experience. But to KSP, an object 1m inside the sphere is orbiting the 'moon' and 1 m outside it is orbiting the planet. A rough edge. So I can image that placing crafts ON that border on the fake L1 and L2 point you mention, that tiny rounding miscalculations building up to kick your craft somewhere.
  2. I have all the data from that wiki . Every planet and moon has a detail description there. Including sphere of influence and synchronous orbits. But I like maps and lists like WhiteWeasel too. So I collect data and ... link Red marked Sync-Orbits are not applicable, because they are outside of the sphere of influence. But keep in mind that the SOI in KSP is different (one-body). Inside of it, there is no influence from the parent sun/planet. Outside of it , no influence of the moon like it would be in reality. No Lagrange points f.ex.
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