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  1. A few questions for you, Creative: Is there a deadline for submissions? Just to be clear, must all turrets have 0 range of motion? Can you pin down a version of BD armory you will be using (currently v0.9.9.1)? Legacy targeting on/off? I may want to slave one of my planes to track its wingman's target, but I belive this can only be setup when both planes are in-flight. Can I give you instructions to set this up? (I know there is some kind of data link utility in BD that does something like this, not sure exactly how it works, will test later.)
  2. RuBisCO, if there is one thing to learn from the last tournament, it is that tiny planes are OP.
  3. These are where I staged the match and my previous test video. Ice Caps: Lat = 97, Lon = whatever (Don't use Lat = 90, this will destroy the vehicle. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) Desert, near the coast: Lat = 0, Lon = 250
  4. I just record round 31, uploading the video now. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I actually had to film this round twice; I screwed up the recording process and lost the footage the first time. The first, non-canonical, match came down to a 2-win-all sudden-death. Little Buster fired off a hail-mary missile volley whilst tumbling through the air with both tail fins and rudders shot off to win the match. Here is the footage of the second take of this match. F-9 Hummingbird wins 3-2. It took rounds 1, 4, and 5. *When the Little Busters nose is destroyed and the canards mysteriously remain attached, this is because they were attached to the cockpit and shifted forward with the offset tool.*
  5. Does that F-117 fly like the real thing? That is to say, is it horribly aerodynamicaly unstable like the real thing?
  6. I've been working on an entry for this challenge, I'll probably finish and post an album of it this weekend. I'm thinking it will be a network of kill-sats, each armed with laser turrets and radars. Here's a preview from some target practice I ran:
  7. Illectro, Sure, I'd submit a plane for this. What kind of weapons restrictions are you considering using, and would you be running FAR?
  8. Have the laser turrets been horribly nerfed recently? Those seem like the better option (no recoil, no projectile lag, infinite ammo, very precise).
  9. I'm a bit surprised Little Buster only won 1/5 rounds. In my testing had been more like 40% win rate, mostly just based on who fails to dodge a missile. On the bright side, I bet the Little Buster, Hummingbird, and Golden Hawk would tear up the competition Scott Manley was considering putting on (depending on what rules he uses).
  10. Ihtiot, page 27 of this thread has a post by Alphasus with info on the latest tournament hosted by him. That tournament is nearly over now, but there may be a new tournament hosted after this one is wraped up.
  11. I say any future competitions should just use FAR instead of instituting arbitrary rules about wing clipping. It would avoid nitpicking over what precise amount of wing area can overlap. FAR would also give more depth to the design process in my opinion. The only downside is that FAR is more taxing on the CPU, but I think a decent computer should be able to handle 1v1 matches with no issue.
  12. The way I did it was to edit a turret in a craft's save file. For example: save a craft in you SPH that consists of just a probe and a .50cal turret find the craft's save file in your SPH folder and open it in notepad use ctrl+f to find "minpitch" you should see that the save file holds not just the current value of minpitch, but also the limits of the minpitch slider. set the limits for minpitch to 0 to -4 (it does not matter what you set the actual current minpitch value to) repeat step 5 for yaw and maxpitch (use 0 to 4 degrees) load the craft you just edited into the SPH and save this modified turret as a subassembly. all angular range sliders should now let you use incraments of 1 degree This hack should stick even when you give the craft file to someone else.
  13. So there will be a re-match between my Little Buster and her rival, the F-9 Hummingbird. This ought to be interesting.
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