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Lost One

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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I've been poking around the files here, trying to create a new class of ammo using rocket pod that fires guided missiles instead. A reloadable missile battery so to speak. What I did was borrow some code and models from the existing missiles and then apply it to the new rocket pod code. Sadly, that hasn't quite worked out. Either no missiles fly out of the pod, or the whole pod tries to act as a missile. Anyone have any suggestions?
  2. Does it count when we use non-stock parts? And never designed to fly? Because this little project grew out of a single objective. Build the biggest, most badass fully functional land vehicle the physics engine can support. Sadly, it's weight is such that even with weapons stripped out, simply moving it across the runway tends to... well, see for yourself I suppose I could try and build bigger, but I think it's big enough. For the purpose comparison, here it is next to my mobile factory complex, a facility that has enough internal foundries, refineries, 3-d printers and external drills to supply not only its own needs (it can produce spacecraft from a deployable rear runway), but supply any facilities on a planets SOI.
  3. Can you elaborate on this? I've got karbonite, but not kethane.
  4. Not on this side unfortunately. Neither the smelters nor the augurs can be activated.
  5. Not sure how to reload the database, but restarting ksp did make it available... but then it reset all the positions. This began life as a basic rectangular box when I welded it. And then when I reloaded it...
  6. Ok, this is weird. I installed the mods in the proper sequence, but after welding the part, it doesn't show up in the parts list, nor can I find it in the research menu. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? EDIT: Derp, nevermind. It seems to have come in after several reloads. But now all the part positions have gone and defaulted, turning a nice box into a spiky hedgehog. I take it the mod doesn't like Tweakscale much :s
  7. Hmmm, I seem to have problems making this mod work. I can get the gun to appear, and make the firing sound, but there are no projectiles or bullet casings. I tried fixing the location directory in the parts file, but that didn't fix it. I also removed procedural wings from the mod folder, just in case, but nothing either. Anyone else run across this problem?
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