Hi. I haven't played KSP since 1.04, so I deleted my old Kerbal Space Program file and got myself a brand new vanilla install (Steam, KSP, 64bit version). The game runs fine except when I crash, the explosions cause crazy lag and if I hit hard enough, sometimes the screen glitches out all weird-like, as if I'm seeing both above and below ground. They're not big ships either - just some stock ones that come with the game I used to test out the new KSP. I don't remember KSP explosions causing so much lag, except when they were really big ships with a lot of parts, and I've been watching Youtube videos and seeing explosions that other people make and they look just fine. Of course I could just try not to crash, but the only thing that I'm really good at in this game is blowing up, so what would be the fun in that?
As I said, it's a clean install (no mods or STDs). I tried updating my video driver, adjusting all my graphics settings down to the bare minimum, halting my anti-virus software (Avast), and sacrificing a chicken to the Monkey God, but nothing works. I've searched for a solution on this computer deal, but apparently I'm the only one having this problem, so I came here because you folks know what you're talking about I guess, right?
Here's what dxdiag says I got...
Windows 8.1 64-bit
i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz (8 CPUs)
16 gigs of memory
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 (approx. total memory: 12143 MB)
And here's some rude photos of my sister (never used Drop Box before, so I hope this works...)
Thanks folks!