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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Tried about 30 times to launch a vessel and I can't make it past 3km, it ends up tilting and screwing the whole flight. I have real solar system with all the mods included in the Realism Overhaul pack. Please help!!
  2. I need scientist to go into the research lab. I don't want to eva every single kerbal in my outpost until I get them both correctly. Is there any way to know what specialist I have inside of the ship without getting it out of it?
  3. It was perfectly aligned as you see in the picture. I had to restart the game for it to finally dock o.O crazy bugs
  4. Is there any way I can reuse those sticks for funds? I'm running kinda low on cash and I would love to know a way to make them land safely in kerbin for retrieval
  5. Hi, I'm new to the forums I've been having this inconvenience, I just researched unmanned tech and I wanted to build a rove to send it to the mun, problem is that it behaves as a cylinder as shown in the image. How can I make it so that I can put the wheels correctly? Pls halp
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