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    Senior Apprentice Tea Maker for Rocketeer Intern

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  1. Am I the only one who thought the first bit of the movie just screamed “Jebadiah Kerman” I mean, the juicy plane, the testing, the diner, the “just dip the nose a little”? I honestly was thinking as he pressed on after Mach 10 “Goddammit Jeb. “ it was a pretty explosion though, and he popped up again after a few days.
  2. just an update, while the "incompatible" message pops up at startup, the parts are working just fine, with no issues that I can see. Something interesting I'm building with MarkIV parts, while waiting for the Maritime pack to arrive, is this: The KSPS Stephen Kerburin. A cargo & research vessel. Beaching ramp, crane, large cargo hold, science equipment and heli-deck.
  3. this one from Ace Combat 6: Music to Launch by
  4. Currently loaded up 1.1 for the first time (thanks Steam auto-updater!), all my MarkIV ships working OK so far.
  5. Hi guys, just wanted to ask what you listen to (bar the excellent music in game!) while playing. This is a varied mix of mine, but in their own way they all bring me back to Runway 09 at KSC whenever I hear them! First, some techno Faithless- We Come One (long version) Next, the one essential to the launch of the Phoenix Steppenwolf- Magic Carpet Ride And last, but not least, a piece of music that just reeks of Steely Eyed Missile Man. I just have two words. "Launch Day". Ace Combat 6 OST- Liberation of Gracemaria
  6. Nope, that's been reclaimed by the Kalaskan delegation to Kerbali, from the Kohioans who want the name of President Whoopstooshort remembered as a big unclimbable spike.
  7. Tried editing locations in RSS, adding new ones, nothing seems to work. When Switcher is gone from Gamedata, Earth launch site is Kennedy. With Switcher in Gamedata, Earth launch site is still Kennedy, but the other sites are selectable. adding a launch site in LaunchSite.cfg does nothing. at a loss lads, heading back to Kerbin.
  8. I'm not sure about moving trucks forward. I'd say having enough parts for a basic campus runabout should be fairly early on in the tree. Why fly when you can drive?
  9. I've tried to add a launch site on KSCSwitcher, bot to no avail. I can see the commands I need to use here, but I can't for the life of me find the spoty to insert them & get them to work. I've cut & pasted them in all over to no avail, or even difference. What am I missing?
  10. Oh so many! Anyone remember a flight sim called "Fighters Anthology"? Much love for that sim. 100+ planes from past "present" and "future", all flyable & fightable in. Got it working on Win 10 (you need to patch it, but fine after that), and I'm looking forward to actually finishing the missions on it for once. Railroad Tycoon Civilisation II Operation Flashpoint (or Arma Cold War Assault nowadays) The list goes on...
  11. Mt. Kraken is a good name for the highest mountain, but when I was planting flags to act as outer markers for KSC runway approach, I found I needed to place a flag on top of the mountain peak overlooking the KSC. Remembering that they just changed Denali's US Congress name from Mt. McKinley back to Denali, I decided to call it.....Kerbali.
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