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    Curious George

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  1. Please update your CKAN metadata to spacedock over the now-defunct Kerbalstuff
  2. Could you make an add-orbit UI spawn a free, no-reward, no-expiration contract for each orbit? If I understand contracts correctly, the user wouldn't even need to accept it for it to render... (Perhaps even allow the user to specify a "shelf life" of the orbit rendering, which translates directly into the contract's expiration?) Or are there limits on how many unaccepted contracts one can have, or something? Maybe make it into a UI that's only visible in the tracking station, separate from the preexisting WM UI? Or would that detract from the look and feel of WM? (I'm biased in making this suggestion, in that my original reddit post on this subject was about a standalone mod that does orbit adding, "orbit waypoint adding" [essentially, maneuver targeting with either a phantom part, or a speck-of-dust/useless part, placed into a desired orbit - so one could, for example, toss up 4 orbital waypoints 90 degrees from each other in order to launch an awesomely synced sat network w/remotetech], and custom waypoints [because I was unaware of WM until jofwu commented]. I totally get if shoehorning orbital waypoints into WM would disrupt the flow.)
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