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  1. Hey hey fellow kergenieers: Pirx reporting from the sunny Spain. All these posts are more or less the same so Ill be brief, I've been playing KSP for some days and lurking in the forum for some time too so I've decided it was time to set up my account. Its really nice to be here and I hope ill be able to learn quite a lot of things from you guys ^^ See ya!
  2. Good morning everyone! As I explained in my previous post regarding science and the death of brave Kerbonauts, my poor Valentina disintegrated the day before yesterday while performing a really acute reentry, after a lot of crying from Jebediah (he really fancied her), a small tombstone built near the KSP and a memorial flight into the Mun what was my astonishment when I saw that she had resurrected!!!! She was once again selectable for missions O.o The poor Jebediah was so puzzled to hear that she was alive again that he forgot to open the chutes of his own pod and crashed in Kerbin Highlands afterwards.... BUT HE ALSO RESURRECTED!!! What is happening? Do I have Khemrinauts? Why are they coming back to life??? Here you have a picture of Valentina streching her legs in the Library of the Kerbin Space Centre: For your information Jebediah and Valentina split up, you know, as they say, Until death do us part...Hey, who turned out the lights?
  3. Good Morning Champ, Glaran K'erman: Thanks a lot for your replies, I finally managed to make succesul landings and reentries into kerbin (yesterday I managed 3 succesful missions without any new cassualties YAY!) and with the science I won I've been able to substantially improve my rockets. In relation to the question I opneed my post with I must say that as you told me, I was able to perform the experiments again with no science reduction. Regarding the reentry I think that I was coming in in a really acute angle, the heat shield overheated and exploded, as per the missions I performed yesterday I tried to reenter really shallow thus staying in the atmosphere more time but having less friction and also aerobreaking more (the heat shield life when I finally touched earth was 175/190 more or less) I have other question (this time regarding ressurrected kerbonauts) but ill open another thread. Thanks a lot for the help and the welcome
  4. Good Morning! This is my first time writing in the KSP forums ^^ Im writing because I have a question regarding gatherinng science, yesterday I managed for the first time to make a succesful landing on the Mun in science mode, after more than 5 flights and 3 unssucesful landings (I didn't know you could reload autosaves so all in all it took me more than 3 hours of gameplay). After making all the experiments, launching the spaceship from the moon and managing to have a reentry orbit while on the smoke of my engines (I finished with 0.3 of fuel remaining in my tanks xDDD) my command pod (equipped with a heat shield and everything) exploded on the reentry thus vaporizing the poor Valentina Kerman and all the experiments she had performed (more than 300 science in all). I would like to know if all the science I gathered and that was stored on the command pod was lost or I will be able to perform the experiments again without the reduction for making them a second time. ¡Thanks in advance for the help! Here you have an image of the brave and deceased Valentina subir foto
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