Good morning everyone! As I explained in my previous post regarding science and the death of brave Kerbonauts, my poor Valentina disintegrated the day before yesterday while performing a really acute reentry, after a lot of crying from Jebediah (he really fancied her), a small tombstone built near the KSP and a memorial flight into the Mun what was my astonishment when I saw that she had resurrected!!!! She was once again selectable for missions O.o The poor Jebediah was so puzzled to hear that she was alive again that he forgot to open the chutes of his own pod and crashed in Kerbin Highlands afterwards.... BUT HE ALSO RESURRECTED!!! What is happening? Do I have Khemrinauts? Why are they coming back to life??? Here you have a picture of Valentina streching her legs in the Library of the Kerbin Space Centre: For your information Jebediah and Valentina split up, you know, as they say, Until death do us part...Hey, who turned out the lights?