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  1. Thank you for this amazingly long feedback! So this is a known issue/bug with bays? It seems pretty bad that you have to worry about it even in the VAB. Hopefully it'll be resolved with the next update. Until then, I am going to refrain from using bays. Too much frustration! I will try this if removing the Service Bay doesn't help.
  2. Okay, thanks! Also thanks for the clarification, I will edit the names, lol! As far as clipping goes, will the clipping part overheat faster than the other parts? Ultimately, the reaction wheel was always first to blow up. (On my craft, the Reaction Wheel is just below the Service Bay.)
  3. Yeah, this is the 3rd launch. I tried different configurations of radiators, but with no luck. By the way, at the time of this screenshot, I had Minmus in sight, and I hadn't fired my engines since approximately 90 kilometers above Kerbin. I don't think I have any clipping, but I do have a probe brain, battery, barometer, and thermometer stuffed in that service bay. Overall, I didn't really struggle with reentry. I struggled more with the aerodynamics. I would often flip out of control. But I learned how to build to protect against that.
  4. EDIT: Thanks everybody, removing the Service Bay fixed the problem. I played quite a bit of KSP beta than ever, but am brand new to KSP 1.0+ I either don't understand overheating, or perhaps worse, I'm dealing with a bug here... I have figured out how to reentered Kerbin's atmosphere, and have done so consistently, without burning up. My issue now involves my Minmus-lander probe. I am overheating and blowing up, in the space, with my engines not in use. How exactly am I overheating when I haven't been using the engines at all? And secondly, how do I deal with heat properly? I'm using radiator and thermal panels, but am I using them incorrectly? I don't normally cheat, but used "ignore max heat" to get the screenshot. Any help is appreciated!
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