The First Flight of Nomial_Control Whith some un-Nomial control Hello and welcome to my first post, and it's going to be about my first flight ever in Ksp. So it was a normal day in version 0.25. When, there was actually good fairings, and beggining of the new KSC. I was in tutorial mode with Wherner Von Braun, it was on basic rocket construction, basically, he told me to attach an SRB with a command pod, and a parachute on top. in addition, I added some wings, which would ultimately affect the mission. So I launched my rocket, pretty simple, once the SRB ran out, I was falling, I saw other people do this, so I tried a gravity turn, suddenly, I wasn't falling anymore, I was FLYING!!!!I think the physics engine broke or something, so I continuously was gaining altitude, the losing it, finally, I decided to just deploy the parachute, though, it never deployed, probably a bug(maybe the kraken). So I crashed into the ground, and killed Jeb.. So my lesson is, NEVER LISTEN TO PEOPLE WITH FUNNY LOOKING MUSTACHES!!!