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Everything posted by ASmallHero

  1. I should have plenty of electricity (tons of panels), plus I gave it the full status time (about 30 seconds for a crew report). It said that it completed, but that I had insufficient storage space despite having 500 units free. Is there a separate module that I need to have?
  2. Hello All, First off, bought the game about two months ago and have enjoyed it immensely. Started in career mode and never looked back. Currently have a bunch of kerbals stuck on Mun that are looking back though. Anyway, I now have been able to advance up to tech tree for a bit after landing on the two moons and proudly launched my first space... thing. Station is a bit too optimistic as docking is 50/50 at this point. It has the MPL-LG-2 module installed on it, but whenever its used it returns (after processing) with "Not Enough Data Storage". However, the data does take up some of the 500 space it has on board. Transmitting does not yield any science. Am I missing something? I looked over the wiki, but didn't see anything. Full disclosure, I have the recovery mode installed, as I got annoyed that I couldn't figure out how to recover parachuted in-atmosphere parts. I also have the space station science mod installed, but I haven't gotten that far yet. Thanks for a great game!
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