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Everything posted by tomnewdelhi

  1. ive used 5.1.2 but ive jus tlooked and i see i needed 4.6.4.... what a douche:sticktongue: Ill give that a go and see how i get on!
  2. from the unity website 5.1.2 for windows, it then adds a folder with a unity 64bit installer, ive tried it with this installed too but still no luck.
  3. Hey guys, been reading through this thread, i wanna pile more more mods on, I tried this workaround but when i download unity i dont have the specific folder path "win64_nondevelopment" to get the win_player.exe and the mono hence i end up with the error. the closest i have is windowsnondevelopment and windowsdevelopment. Can anyone help me out here as im losing my mind with trying to get linux ubuntu to work right!!
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