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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. In my opinion, the old tech tree has to go. Parts will not be unlocked with science points and they won't be made available in the same fashion... We'll see when I'm ready to share it all.
  2. Haha, your right Ser. Even better, I could team up with someone who can code my ideas... I'll work on a "sales" pitch and post it up. There's quite a bit of planning and fleshing out to do. This is exciting, I can't wait to share it all!
  3. Thanks for all your input. It really does help. I'm curious, should I keep my ideas secret or is the modding community respectful of other's idea? I mean, would my concept be stolen?
  4. I would like your opinion on this. I, like many others, find the career mode lacking. I have been thinking about how to improve for a couple of months now and an idea has coalesced in my mind. I think it's a great overhaul to the current career system and would love to be able to mod it in game. So here's where I need your opinion. Considering I have almost no programming knowledge, is it realistic for me to even try? For my idea, I think I would need to learn how to manipulate contracts, how to change certain parts functionality and how to modify the parts unlock screen. I'm sure this is a bit vague to you guys, but I am unsure how to share my idea.
  5. Just watch this. I think it answers all your questions. [url]http://youtu.be/uvMiz0-nPxs[/url]
  6. I want to avoid making the ship slow to turn around. I think I may have messed up the reaction wheels placement. Does multiple reaction wheels grouped together helps or is it better to have them spread evenly?
  7. Thanks for your input and the mod suggestions. I would say the wobbly tail is the main reason my initial transfer failed. But I didn't pay attention to the Mun which I will do next time. I will get back to the drawing board tonight and build a new design I thought of today. Now that I have SpaceY parts, I should have a bit more flexibility.
  8. Can I get some advices on my failed attempt please? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/137721-Jool-5-Challenge-%28Failed%29 Thanks
  9. I wanted to try my hand at a Jool 5 Mission and I decided to try the challenge. I must have spent a good 12 to 15 hours planning, designing, assembling what I would describe as my best ship ever. But in the end, this mission is a bust. I want to share my experience and get some comments and recommendations so I can try again latter and learn something from this failure. Some notes before we begin. -I did respect the challenge's rules on mod. However, I used Hyperedit to test out my SSTO on Laythe before using the design for the mission. One mistake I realized while fueling the orbital craft is that I hadn't removed the mod. That is why you can see the icon in the early pictures. -Refueling the ship was becoming ridiculous. Being fairly certain I had disqualified myself due to the presence of Hyperedit, I used it to refuel then promptly removed the mod. -I wanted to try and make something different than the usual nuclear engine we see for most of these missions. My ship ended up weighing almost 5K tons. Changing its orientation was excruciatingly slow and the part count made the whole experience an exercise in patience. -According to Steam, I have played nearly 700 hours of this game. I love this game and I have learned a lot since I started, but I still have a lot to learn. I can and have done pretty much everything that can be done within the Kerbin SOI but when it it comes to interplanetary travel, I feel I have a lot to learn still. -Ultimately, my goal was to beat Nefrums's science score. So, first off, pictures and explanation of how I designed and planned to use the ship. And now pictures of the failed mission. It was my first time documenting a mission. Appologies if the pictures don’t make sense.
  10. Thank you very much for this tutorial and wonderfully voiced explanation. Capturing an asteroid was one of the last few things I couldn't do yet in this game.
  11. Hello again. You guys are awesome and thanks for all the input on my part limit/performance thread. This time, I would like to discuss Rover. I find that the part descriptions for the wheels is lacking and I couldn't find much online. So my question is; other than obvious aspect (IE: weight and size of rover or cargo) how should one choose the wheel type in relation to the gravity of the astral body it will be used on?
  12. Hi, started playing the game about two months ago. I am totally hooked and must have played over 400 hours so far. In my last play through, I made a huge ship in orbit that totalled over 600 parts. I have pretty good PC but this was too much and the FPS took a huge hit. Looking online, I found that I should limit the number of parts since the game is not designed to handle this much. My question is, how many parts should I limit myself too? I want to know a rough estimate so I can plan station and bases accordingly and make sure the FPS stays good even with other ships/modules attached. While on the subject, do docking port assembly make a difference? Meaning, will a station built in one piece have less impact than one built in orbit piece by piece using docking ports.
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